BBB Blood Brain Barrier – Why It Is Important and How To Protect It From A Major Threat

The blood brain barrier (BBB) is a highly selective permeability barrier that separates the circulating blood from the brain extracellular fluid in the central nervous system . The purpose of the BBB is to protect the brain from many risks that can be otherwise transmitted by our blood.

The BBB has several important functions:

    • Protects the brain from “foreign substances” in the blood that may injure the brain
    • Protects the brain from hormones and neurotransmitters in the rest of the body
    • Maintains a constant environment for the brain

Threats to the BBB: There is a lot to this and you are encouraged to research this topic for more information. For now look at the following and  pay particular attention to the ones in bold :

  • Microwaves
  • Radiation
  • Infection: exposure to infectious agents
  • Trauma
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Actions To Protect The Blood Brain Barrier

First just stop using microwaves right now – there is nothing good for our body.

There are nutrients that help. Click Here for more information.

Look at familiar  sources EMF  radiation that are more difficult if not impossible to eliminate:

Cell phones
Smart boxes
Airport security
Medical diagnostic equipment
X Ray

The Medical Device I Represent Is Likely The Best Help For Our Body This is a partial list of what it does:

  • Grounds our body to the natural  field of the earth.
  • Balances all the electrical systems of the body.
  • Substantially increases blood  flow in the body  including the 74% of our total circulation system which is our micro vessel or capillary system. This is huge because nothing else does that and as our blood circulation improves our cells get the  oxygen , nutrition, water they need and are able to eliminate waste When our cells are not able get what they need and do what they are supposed to do problems begin.  Radiation and microwaves are a big cause of circulation interruption.

There is much more information available including in depth research reports . This information is based on science not guesswork or assumptions.  Science means the results are measured.

The best way to begin your due diligence is to contact me by email or text for my road map for learning more. I will guide you with information and links so the benefits to your health and those you care about will be very clear.

Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor
Text 727-224-4743



Bio Electro Physical Vascular Therapy Explained – Easy To Understand


More energy, improved sleep, enhanced cardiovascular system, anti-aging, improved mental acuity are just some of the benefits.  If these are of interest, here is why people experience these results.

We have trillions of cells in our body and each one needs oxygen, nutrition, water and needs to eliminate waste. If any part of that breaks down our energy is affected and sickness or worse begins. How those cells get what they need is dependent on what we feed them and the effectiveness of our blood circulation system.

The medical device referred to in this article  is FDA registered and is proven through extensive research to significantly enhance the rate of blood flow in the entire body. There are no medical claims. Enhancing blood flow  enables  the cells to get what they need and reproduce healthy cells.  As that happens the body begins to  function more as it was designed to do.

To appreciate the significance of this technology,  it is important to understand our two blood circulation systems.

Blood Circulation 

  1. We have two circulatory systems. The first one  what most think about is the macro system: heart, veins and arteries. The second one that hardly anyone is aware of is the process of moving blood through  our capillary system – that circulation mechanism  is separate from the heart.
  2. Our capillary system is about 74% of our total circulatory system. End to end our capillaries are about 74,000 miles.
  3. When we exercise, eat right, take supplements, get a massage, and more we influence our macro system or our heart, veins and arteries.
  4. Elite athletes influence the pulse rate of the blood in the capillary system by up to 8% when they are playing with little or no residual effect.
  5. There is no drug, no food, no procedure, no supplement, no product in the world that will increase the blood flow in the capillary system except one. The medical device I represent increases blood flow in the entire body including the 74% that is capillaries.
  6. There are negative influences on blood flow in the capillary system. The two that affect everyone are  aging and exposure to radiation from cell phones, WiFi and more. Other negative influences vary by person and  include stress, toxins and chemicals. By the time a person is 60 the rate of blood flow through the capillaries  can decrease to as low as one time every 10 minutes whereas a healthy 20 year old has a rate of 30-50 times every 10 minutes.
  7. As the rate of blood flow slows, cells begin to aggregate. When this happens they cannot get the oxygen, nutrients, water needed and cannot eliminate waste. Lack of energy, disruptive sleep, premature aging and worse are generally the result.
  8. The medical device used 8 minutes twice a day begins to restore the rate of blood flow toward healthy levels and also grounds the body offsetting the effects of EMF radiation. The benefits of this are huge some can be found by Clicking Here 

There is much more information available including in depth research reports . The best way to begin your due diligence is to contact me by email or text for my road map for learning more. I will guide you with information and links so the benefits to your health and those you care about will be very clear.

Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor
Text 727-224-4743

2 Min. Real Time Video Shows The Blood Flow Difference. Which One Do You Prefer?

The following is a before, during and after real time recording in the capillary system of an 8 min session. This is important because as the blood flow increases, the cells get the oxygen, nutrition , water they need and are able to eliminate waste. Before that they are not doing so well.

PLEASE NOTE:  this video has no sound 

There is nothing else in the world that will have a significant positive influence on the blood flow in the capillary system which is about 74% of our total circulation system.

I welcome to help you understand more about the value of this system for our health. That value is huge!


Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor

Two Things That Affect Everyone and Increases The Risk of Sickness and Disease

Article Summary 

The most  complaints at the doctor’s office is about lack of energy and mental clarity The third leading cause of death is Rx interaction.  Can you see the link:

All 100 trillion cells need oxygen, nutrition, water and be able to eliminate waste The most important is oxygen

Many factors impair blood circulation and that impairment inhibits the delivery or oxygen, nutrition , water and the elimination of waste at the cellular level. That impairment is cause.

I represent the  only device in the world that will restore blood circulation in the capillary system which is 74% of our total circulation system. The result is increased oxygen and nutrients to each cell plus the benefits of detoxing or waste elimination.

You will need about  4 minutes to read the detail and understand the  two things adversely affecting everybody’s cells. The benefits of the medical device I represent are huge.

Most Know …..

the importance of healthy  nutrition, good water, stress management and physical fitness.  Let’s say you are optimal in all those areas and because you are you are confident you have little or no chance of becoming sick or diseased.

Why People With An Optimal Health Program Are At Increasing Risk of Sickness and Disease

There used to only be one thing the all of could not avoid and that was aging. Now there are two. In our second circulatory system which is our capillary system the rate of blood circulation in the 74,000 miles is 30-50 times every 10 minutes when we are young and healthy.  As we age, this rate of  circulation slows down to where it can be 1 time per 10 minutes in someone who is 60.

The slow down in blood circulation in our capillary system which is 74% of our total circulatory system impairs our cells from getting the oxygen, nutrition, water needed and from eliminating waste including CO2 which is carbon dioxide.

When cells can’t get what they need we can experience many things including reduced energy, mental clarity and much worse.  Those cell also produce weakened offspring cells and we see that in people who may look older than they are and who die seemingly too early.

If All Else Is Perfect, Aging Alone Increases Our Risk of All Kinds of Health Issues.  Wait …Do You Know Anyone Where All Else Is Perfect? 

Let’s say you know people who have seemingly the perfect health program and stress management program. Note the blood circulation in the capillary system is still slowing down unless they are using the medical device I represent. It is the only technology/product in the world to significantly enhance blood flow in the capillary system. Drugs do not, nutritional supplements do not, strenuous exercise has some minimal effect while exercising, there is nothing else that has a meaningful impact. This is why creams, serums, supplements, diet and more

Are you beginning to understand why the statistics of our sickness and disease state trends are alarming?  Our cells can’t get what they need especially since it is rare to find anyone leading an optimal lifestyle all the time. Actually I don’t know anyone and I am in the health and wellness space.

I Have Addressed One Part of Everyone’s Life That Cannot Be Avoided and I Wrote There Are Two 

The second one is The Silent Killer – electronic smog or EMF the electronic magnetic field. From conception nearly everyone is by this invisible radiation from numerous sources. It is totally  disrupting our body’s natural electronic field Click Here for a separate article on this topic – a very serious matter.

Fountain of Youth

We know what our cells need to  regenerate healthy cells. We know the medical device I represent restores blood circulation to much healthier rates.  With this combination can we say we have the fountain of youth formula?  We can say we are making great progress but we cannot say with certainty because our bodies are complex systems.  We do not even understand all the elements of a single cell. We understand a lot, but there is still much to know.

Since we know a great deal about what our cells need and what blocks them from getting what is needed we are making great progress in improving the health of people who follow The Four Pillar Program.

This Is A Brief Summary Overview

This medical device I represent is the most researched technology ever. With that research,  much has been learned about the health of our bodies. We have many thousands of testimonials including ones from medical specialists as to what the body is doing once circulation is improved. The first ones usually are more energy and improved sleep. Then there are very specific benefits  To get an idea ask me how to do a search on YouTube  I will help you with all the due diligence you want to do. We have the data even the most experienced medical specialist and professional athletes want.  This data includes the prime sources for finding the thousands of research papers and double blind studies conducted on the effectiveness of this device if you are interested .

When you take a close look you will see how important this is for your health and  you will also learn how it is easy to own one.  Send me an email for a more detailed guide on this technology and wonderful videos that will show you the product, how it works and some results people are reporting


Steve Pohlit, Independent BEMER Distributor 
Text 727-224-4743


Nitric Oxide or NO – What You Need to Know

Data is on line for your research. In summary three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998 for the discovery of how blood moves independent of the heart. Our capillary system is about 74% of our body’s circulation. Blood flows through this system largely independent of our macro circulatory system which is heart veins and arteries

The video that follows offers a good explanation and you do not need a medical degree to follow


Important For Your Consideration

There is an increasing amount of promotion for nutritional supplements including Nitric Oxide that promise to have a positive influence at the cellular level. Those representations could be true. However, those of us who have been trained by the company producing the medical device I represent understand that about 74% of  our circulation system is capillaries or micro vessels. Once impaired  nothing  can influence the circulation there except our medical  device – a scientifically proven fact.

Once the blood flow slows down in the capillary or micro vessel system cells begin aggregating and there can be a collapsing of capillaries. When either or both of these occur the cells cannot get the oxygen, nutrition, water needed and they cannot eliminate waste. There is no drug, supplement, exercise or other physical treatment that can restore this circulation. The medical device I represent does and we have access to the real time videos that prove this. Again the capillary system or micro vessel system is 74% of our circulatory system.

Read The Claims Carefully

I have two major promotions in front of me for supplements and both focus on the benefits to the macro circulatory system – the heart, veins and arteries. While fantastic if true, a major portion of our body’s circulation system is ignored. Nitric Oxide is a key element in the blood flow of the capillary system. However I have not seen any evidence that Nitric Oxide supplements influence blood flow in the capillary system once impaired and impairment starts about the age of 20 if a person is  healthy. You may know there is a rapidly increasing  number of unhealthy young people.

We know what impairs the blood flow in the micro  vessel  system. The major impairments are from aging, stress, toxins/chemicals, signals from cell phones, WiFi, power lines, medical testing equipment, airport screening and more. Can you begin to see the importance of the medical device I represent that is scientifically proven to restore blood flow at the micro vessel level ?

Would You Like More Information?

I have a lot of additional information. I am happy to send you an email that will help with your own due diligence.  Send me an email or text. There are more articles on this site take a look. I have videos on my YouTube channel and I am happy to connect you with on line webinars that offer a lot of information.

I look forward to hearing  from you


Steve Pohlit
Text 727-224-4743

What Is Your Health Score

What Is Your Health Score?

On a scale of 1-10 quickly give yourself a score based on how you generally feel. This is not a medical test. Most people rate themselves in the range of 3-6.  Those with serious health concerns are below 3 and very energetic people including athletes generally are 7 or higher.

Do you know someone or heard of someone who is seemingly very healthy one day and very sick or worse the next? How does that happen?  How can we not know?  One reason is the medical profession cannot really measure the condition of our micro vessel system, our capillary system that is 74% of our body’s circulation system. So conditions may be developing there that are not measurable until the symptoms appear.   The micro vessel system can be seen in real time in Germany where there is a $30 million piece of equipment designed for that purpose. This is the reason we know what the  device’s signal does. It is also the basis for the following bold statement:  There is no other product or device in the world that influences the body’s blood circulation like this – no product, device, supplement, exercise, massage or drug.

Every week at our  product presentation meetings there are more and more people sharing the results they are experiencing with the  FDA Class 1 medical device I represent.  Some are literally life changing. Nearly everyone reports improved sleep, more energy, improved vision , skin looking  younger  and an overall feeling of well being.  Regarding well being, remember we lay on the mat that is part of the system twice a day for 8 minutes each time.  Most use this time to move into a relaxed meditative state which is very good for us.

The  device increases the circulation of the blood and our cells get the oxygen, nutrition, and water they need.  Then they are able to process the waste that is part of the cycle.  As all of this continues to happen with the use of  device the body takes over and begins to self correct. I can direct you where to look on YouTube you go to YouTube for  some amazing testimonials and more detailed presentations.  Just contact me

I Rated Myself Healthy When I Started and Still Do. So Why Did I Get This?

One of the videos I watched was a man described as middle aged with a normal lifestyle.  I could see that his liver did not look that healthy and the blood circulation was impaired.  Then I watched a video of the same man three weeks later after using the system with no change in lifestyle. The improvement  was incredible and I instantly knew that is what I wanted the inside of me to look like.  That was the start for me.  As time progressed and I learned a lot more about this and  I met more and more people with “jaw dropping” results.  There came a point a few months ago when I decided to devote a lot more of my time sharing the information about this system with as many people as possible.  Now I have a growing team of people working with me and I can see because of my involvement I am making a difference in the lives of others.

Everyone should be using this device for improved health and  sharing this information with others. The system helps people get healthy and stay that way. This medical device improves the circulation of the blood especially in the little known 74% that is our micro vessels. Then and the body performs the miracle of self correction. That alone is a major benefit as none of us can be productive if we are sick.

How else can I help you so you are ready to own your own system? 

Call me or text me 727-224-4743 and let me know.

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor

Customized Vans and Trucks for Mobility Scooters – An Alarming Trend

This is an alarming trend in my area and most likely in the rest of the country.   You are welcome to watch the video or simply read the highlights in this message 

Brief Summary

Vascular neuropathy (impaired blood circulation) is at epidemic proportions primarily a result of the dramatic rise in incidents of diabetes. Cardiovascular disease can also be a leading cause of vascular neuropathy. Most likely you already know cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. 

To address the lack of mobility issue, manufactures of mobility scooters are expanding as well as vans and trucks being modified to transport the scooters. Three dealerships have started within 2 miles of my home in the last 18 months. 

While mobility scooters and the vehicles to transport them help those with mobility issues, that equipment is not addressing cause which often is impaired circulation. Not knowing there is a solution for circulation is very sad, costly and has a huge impact on quality of life.  The medical device I represent has a significant positive influence on circulation and  should be the first step.   

If you are reading this and thinking you are healthy and can ignore this, please don’t. Remember all of us are exposed to toxins, chemicals, electronic pollution, and more. All of these have a negative impact on blood circulation in the micro vessel system 74%which is 74% of our circulation system. Again there is no product, supplement, exercise, massage that has any significant influence on the circulation at micro vessel level.  The FDA Class 1 medical device  is it and is likely to remain exclusive because of how heavily patented it is. 

If you still are not clear about how valuable the device is for your health contact me and I will help clear up any questions.. I have found that when a person  understands what this does and how it helps us, they start moving in the direction of owning one. Once people own one most begin sharing the information and possibly the experience with others. The culture of the company is all about helping others and it feels really good to do that.

I sincerely wish you the best of health and will continue to share information with you about this incredible system. My intention is that you join the growing group of people benefiting from  8 minutes twice a day lying on your own device

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Connect with me on social media
On Snapchat  stevepohlit

Cell 727-224-4743

PS If you are financially challenged we have a new program effective June 1 where you can start sharing the information about the medical device and earning direct sales commissions for a one time payment of $290. That can quickly help you earn the money for your own medical device. Registration is fast and easy. Let me know if you have an interest.

What You Must Know About Our Blood Cells and Circulation System

The more I learned about our blood cells and circulatory system the deeper my appreciation became for the solutions to the cause of sickness and disease. My purpose here is to share the highlights of what I have learned with you

Blood Cells

The estimates vary.  In our product presentations we use 100 trillion as the number of cells. In other words there are a lot

Each cell requires oxygen, nutrition and water in that order.

Each cell eliminates waste once every 10 seconds

If our blood aggregates (think of clumps) our cells cannot get oxygen, nutrition, water and cannot eliminate waste.

When the blood aggregates, that is when we become tired, lose focus, experience premature aging and that aggregation can be the beginning of sickness and disease.  When the symptoms of sickness and disease show up the cause began in some cases years ago.

Blood Circulation

We have on average 4 quarts of blood in our body. Some people have more depending on size. There is total circulation of our blood when we are healthy every minute or 2000 times per day generally.

We have two  circulatory systems.

  1. Our heart driven system working with our arteries and veins. That represents just 26% of our total circulatory system.
  2. 74% of our circulatory system is our capillaries

Capillaries are very small. Capillaries range in size from 1 -7 one millionth of a centimeter. 1 millionth of a centimeter is an angstrom. To give you an idea 400 capillaries fit into a strand of hair

The size of one blood cell is one angstrom which means a lot of cells flow single file in our capillaries.

There are no nerve receptors in the capillary system

There is an electrical and chemical reaction that causes the blood to move through the capillaries. Three scientists won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1998 for identifying this. The rate of this pulse when we are in peak health is 3-5 times a minute.  This pulse is adversely  affected primarily by the following:


Toxins and Chemicals – Now more and more are showing up in water and electrical driven water enhancers are less and less effective in removing these which you will not hear about from the distributors of these systems

Radiation from  cell phones, wifi, smart boxes, radio waves, tv waves, and the list goes on.

Industrialized food – especially fast food

Lack of exercise (sitting is the new smoking)

Many prescription medications

By the time we are 60 the blood flow rate in our capillary system can be as low as once every 10 minutes.  Now should be able to begin understanding how easy it is for our capillary system to experience impaired blood flow. Most people are aware of problems with  circulation in the arteries and veins but have never been taught about the capillary system. The reason is because there are no nerve receptors there no drug can influence the blood flow in the capillary system.

Positive Influences On The Rate of Blood Flow in The Capillary System

Ginko Biloba has been shown to improve blood flow by 4-8% temporarily

Elite athletes can improve the circulation by up to 8% while they are playing.

The medical device I represent increases the blood flow in the capillary system by more than 30% and the residual effect is 12-16 hours. This is achieved by using the device 2 times a day for 8 minutes. There is an added bonus. The results are cumulative so the pulse rate is restored to that 3-5 times a minute. For this reason this technology along with a common sense approach to lifestyle is no longer an option for anyone who takes their health seriously.

Now You  Know 

You know about our amazing circulatory system and what you are learning is the impact of our lifestyle in this modern age. However knowledge without action is generally useless.  It is your responsibility to use what you learn.

For More Information Including A Detailed Report With Links To Videos and More Send Your Email Address To

Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor
Text 727-224-4743




These are just some of the benefits that are experienced with the biotechnology FDA Class 1 medical device I represent

How does one device do all these and more?

Simple – it is all about the circulation of the blood we have in our body. Our bodies are the magic when we have healthy circulation and especially in our capillary system

Click Here for more detail or



Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Text 727-224-4743


To begin appreciating the significance of this statement, understand that the size of a capillary is 1-7 angstrums . An angstum is 1-1 millionth of a centimeter I understand that it is difficult to appreciate something that small In most of our capillaries that extend 74,000 miles only one blood cell can flow through it at a time.

If a capillary collapses the blood cannot circulate in that area. Once it cannot circulate the blood cells begin to aggregate. Once that happens, the cells cannot get the oxygen, nutrition, water they need and they cannot eliminate waste.

Our bodies can heal themselves when the cells get what they need and are able to eliminate waste. The FDA Class 1 medical device I represent is the only technology in the world that has a significant positive influence on the circulation in the capillary system. Class 1 means safe for all ages except those who have had an organ transplant and are on immuno suppressant medication.

Remember if the circulation is impaired then our cells cannot get what they need no matter how high a quality of food, supplements or water we are using.

Click Here for a more detail

Better: Contact me for complete product details and videos of results people are experiencing.


Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Text 727-224-4743