What You Must Know About Our Blood Cells and Circulation System

The more I learned about our blood cells and circulatory system the deeper my appreciation became for the solutions to the cause of sickness and disease. My purpose here is to share the highlights of what I have learned with you

Blood Cells

The estimates vary.  In our product presentations we use 100 trillion as the number of cells. In other words there are a lot

Each cell requires oxygen, nutrition and water in that order.

Each cell eliminates waste once every 10 seconds

If our blood aggregates (think of clumps) our cells cannot get oxygen, nutrition, water and cannot eliminate waste.

When the blood aggregates, that is when we become tired, lose focus, experience premature aging and that aggregation can be the beginning of sickness and disease.  When the symptoms of sickness and disease show up the cause began in some cases years ago.

Blood Circulation

We have on average 4 quarts of blood in our body. Some people have more depending on size. There is total circulation of our blood when we are healthy every minute or 2000 times per day generally.

We have two  circulatory systems.

  1. Our heart driven system working with our arteries and veins. That represents just 26% of our total circulatory system.
  2. 74% of our circulatory system is our capillaries

Capillaries are very small. Capillaries range in size from 1 -7 one millionth of a centimeter. 1 millionth of a centimeter is an angstrom. To give you an idea 400 capillaries fit into a strand of hair

The size of one blood cell is one angstrom which means a lot of cells flow single file in our capillaries.

There are no nerve receptors in the capillary system

There is an electrical and chemical reaction that causes the blood to move through the capillaries. Three scientists won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1998 for identifying this. The rate of this pulse when we are in peak health is 3-5 times a minute.  This pulse is adversely  affected primarily by the following:


Toxins and Chemicals – Now more and more are showing up in water and electrical driven water enhancers are less and less effective in removing these which you will not hear about from the distributors of these systems

Radiation from  cell phones, wifi, smart boxes, radio waves, tv waves, and the list goes on.

Industrialized food – especially fast food

Lack of exercise (sitting is the new smoking)

Many prescription medications

By the time we are 60 the blood flow rate in our capillary system can be as low as once every 10 minutes.  Now should be able to begin understanding how easy it is for our capillary system to experience impaired blood flow. Most people are aware of problems with  circulation in the arteries and veins but have never been taught about the capillary system. The reason is because there are no nerve receptors there no drug can influence the blood flow in the capillary system.

Positive Influences On The Rate of Blood Flow in The Capillary System

Ginko Biloba has been shown to improve blood flow by 4-8% temporarily

Elite athletes can improve the circulation by up to 8% while they are playing.

The medical device I represent increases the blood flow in the capillary system by more than 30% and the residual effect is 12-16 hours. This is achieved by using the device 2 times a day for 8 minutes. There is an added bonus. The results are cumulative so the pulse rate is restored to that 3-5 times a minute. For this reason this technology along with a common sense approach to lifestyle is no longer an option for anyone who takes their health seriously.

Now You  Know 

You know about our amazing circulatory system and what you are learning is the impact of our lifestyle in this modern age. However knowledge without action is generally useless.  It is your responsibility to use what you learn.

For More Information Including A Detailed Report With Links To Videos and More Send Your Email Address To

Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor
Email stevepohlit@gmail.com
Text 727-224-4743



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