Important Data About the Blood and Blood Circulation:
There is an average of 5 quarts of blood in an adult
The blood completes the cycle of circulation in the body about once each minute or more than 1,400 times per day.
The macro circulation system which is the arterial system and venial system is 1,000 miles. The heart moves the blood through this system.
The micro circulation system is the micro vessels or capillary system and is 74,000 miles. Our second circulation system moves the blood through the capillaries. The mechanism for moving this blood through the body was discovered in 1998 and there are three people who were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine that year for that discovery.
The Results of Ignoring The Health of The Micro Circulation System
Generally people do not manage the adverse influences on the body including stress, toxins, chemicals, radiation and more. Consequently, the pulse rate of blood flowing through that 74,000 miles slows from a healthy 1-2 times per minute to approximately 1 time per 10 minutes. This slow down along with the continual influence of adverse factors is why the body ages prematurely and develops health conditions including the most common negative responses of low energy and loss of mental acuity. More significant health conditions can be traced to the failure of circulation and the continual influence of stress, toxins, chemicals and other factors depending on the person’s lifestyle.
In depth studies conducted in Germany found no pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, or electroceutical devices except one to have any significant positive affect on the pulse rate in the micro circulatory system. The Class 1 medical device I represent is that one device that over time restores the pulse rate of the blood flowing through those 74,000.
For more information on this device including how it works, how it benefits you health and more data supported by science and more contact me.
For your health and vitality
Contact Information
Steve Pohlit Independent Distributor 727-224-4743 (text or voice)
On a scale of 1-10 quickly give yourself a score based on how you generally feel. This is not a medical test. Most people rate themselves in the range of 3-6. Those with serious health concerns are below 3 and very energetic people including athletes generally are 7 or higher.
Do you know someone or heard of someone who is seemingly very healthy one day and very sick or worse the next? How does that happen? How can we not know? One reason is the medical profession cannot really measure the condition of our micro vessel system, our capillary system that is 74% of our body’s circulation system. So conditions may be developing there that are not measurable until the symptoms appear. The micro vessel system can be seen in real time in Germany where there is a $30 million piece of equipment designed for that purpose. This is the reason we know what the device’s signal does. It is also the basis for the following bold statement: There is no other product or device in the world that influences the body’s blood circulation like this – no product, device, supplement, exercise, massage or drug.
Every week at our product presentation meetings there are more and more people sharing the results they are experiencing with the FDA Class 1 medical device I represent. Some are literally life changing. Nearly everyone reports improved sleep, more energy, improved vision , skin looking younger and an overall feeling of well being. Regarding well being, remember we lay on the mat that is part of the system twice a day for 8 minutes each time. Most use this time to move into a relaxed meditative state which is very good for us.
The device increases the circulation of the blood and our cells get the oxygen, nutrition, and water they need. Then they are able to process the waste that is part of the cycle. As all of this continues to happen with the use of device the body takes over and begins to self correct. I can direct you where to look on YouTube you go to YouTube for some amazing testimonials and more detailed presentations. Just contact me
I Rated Myself Healthy When I Started and Still Do. So Why Did I Get This?
One of the videos I watched was a man described as middle aged with a normal lifestyle. I could see that his liver did not look that healthy and the blood circulation was impaired. Then I watched a video of the same man three weeks later after using the system with no change in lifestyle. The improvement was incredible and I instantly knew that is what I wanted the inside of me to look like. That was the start for me. As time progressed and I learned a lot more about this and I met more and more people with “jaw dropping” results. There came a point a few months ago when I decided to devote a lot more of my time sharing the information about this system with as many people as possible. Now I have a growing team of people working with me and I can see because of my involvement I am making a difference in the lives of others.
Everyone should be using this device for improved health and sharing this information with others. The system helps people get healthy and stay that way. This medical device improves the circulation of the blood especially in the little known 74% that is our micro vessels. Then and the body performs the miracle of self correction. That alone is a major benefit as none of us can be productive if we are sick.
How else can I help you so you are ready to own your own system?
This is an alarming trend in my area and most likely in the rest of the country. You are welcome to watch the video or simply read the highlights in this message
Brief Summary
Vascular neuropathy (impaired blood circulation) is at epidemic proportions primarily a result of the dramatic rise in incidents of diabetes. Cardiovascular disease can also be a leading cause of vascular neuropathy. Most likely you already know cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
To address the lack of mobility issue, manufactures of mobility scooters are expanding as well as vans and trucks being modified to transport the scooters. Three dealerships have started within 2 miles of my home in the last 18 months.
While mobility scooters and the vehicles to transport them help those with mobility issues, that equipment is not addressing cause which often is impaired circulation. Not knowing there is a solution for circulation is very sad, costly and has a huge impact on quality of life. The medical device I represent has a significant positive influence on circulation and should be the first step.
If you are reading this and thinking you are healthy and can ignore this, please don’t. Remember all of us are exposed to toxins, chemicals, electronic pollution, and more. All of these have a negative impact on blood circulation in the micro vessel system which is 74% of our circulation system. Again there is no product, supplement, exercise, massage that has any significant influence on the circulation at micro vessel level. The FDA Class 1 medical device is it and is likely to remain exclusive because of how heavily patented it is.
If you still are not clear about how valuable the device is for your health contact me and I will help clear up any questions.. I have found that when a person understands what this does and how it helps us, they start moving in the direction of owning one. Once people own one most begin sharing the information and possibly the experience with others. The culture of the company is all about helping others and it feels really good to do that.
I sincerely wish you the best of health and will continue to share information with you about this incredible system. My intention is that you join the growing group of people benefiting from 8 minutes twice a day lying on your own device
PS If you are financially challenged we have a new program effective June 1 where you can start sharing the information about the medical device and earning direct sales commissions for a one time payment of $290. That can quickly help you earn the money for your own medical device. Registration is fast and easy. Let me know if you have an interest.
The more I learned about our blood cells and circulatory system the deeper my appreciation became for the solutions to the cause of sickness and disease. My purpose here is to share the highlights of what I have learned with you
Blood Cells
The estimates vary. In our product presentations we use 100 trillion as the number of cells. In other words there are a lot
Each cell requires oxygen, nutrition and water in that order.
Each cell eliminates waste once every 10 seconds
If our blood aggregates (think of clumps) our cells cannot get oxygen, nutrition, water and cannot eliminate waste.
When the blood aggregates, that is when we become tired, lose focus, experience premature aging and that aggregation can be the beginning of sickness and disease. When the symptoms of sickness and disease show up the cause began in some cases years ago.
Blood Circulation
We have on average 4 quarts of blood in our body. Some people have more depending on size. There is total circulation of our blood when we are healthy every minute or 2000 times per day generally.
We have two circulatory systems.
Our heart driven system working with our arteries and veins. That represents just 26% of our total circulatory system.
74% of our circulatory system is our capillaries
Capillaries are very small. Capillaries range in size from 1 -7 one millionth of a centimeter. 1 millionth of a centimeter is an angstrom. To give you an idea 400 capillaries fit into a strand of hair
The size of one blood cell is one angstrom which means a lot of cells flow single file in our capillaries.
There are no nerve receptors in the capillary system
There is an electrical and chemical reaction that causes the blood to move through the capillaries. Three scientists won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1998 for identifying this. The rate of this pulse when we are in peak health is 3-5 times a minute. This pulse is adversely affected primarily by the following:
Toxins and Chemicals – Now more and more are showing up in water and electrical driven water enhancers are less and less effective in removing these which you will not hear about from the distributors of these systems
Radiation from cell phones, wifi, smart boxes, radio waves, tv waves, and the list goes on.
Industrialized food – especially fast food
Lack of exercise (sitting is the new smoking)
Many prescription medications
By the time we are 60 the blood flow rate in our capillary system can be as low as once every 10 minutes. Now should be able to begin understanding how easy it is for our capillary system to experience impaired blood flow. Most people are aware of problems with circulation in the arteries and veins but have never been taught about the capillary system. The reason is because there are no nerve receptors there no drug can influence the blood flow in the capillary system.
Positive Influences On The Rate of Blood Flow in The Capillary System
Ginko Biloba has been shown to improve blood flow by 4-8% temporarily
Elite athletes can improve the circulation by up to 8% while they are playing.
The medical device I represent increases the blood flow in the capillary system by more than 30% and the residual effect is 12-16 hours. This is achieved by using the device 2 times a day for 8 minutes. There is an added bonus. The results are cumulative so the pulse rate is restored to that 3-5 times a minute. For this reason this technology along with a common sense approach to lifestyle is no longer an option for anyone who takes their health seriously.
Now You Know
You know about our amazing circulatory system and what you are learning is the impact of our lifestyle in this modern age. However knowledge without action is generally useless. It is your responsibility to use what you learn.
For More Information Including A Detailed Report With Links To Videos and More Send Your Email Address To
Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor
Text 727-224-4743
Electroceutical solutions for our health are what you will be hearing a lot more about in the near future. It follows the progression from neutraceuticals. Some talk about the progression of neutraceuticals from pharmaceuticals. However most are still brainwashed by Big Pharma including doctors so I do not use the word progression in that sense.
An electrical charge in our cells is required before there is a chemical reaction
Jet lag is a result of upsetting our natural bio electronic field
We have an estimated 100 trillion cells in our body
We Are Electric
Every 10 seconds we have 10 million bio chemical reactions and each one is preceded by and electrical impulse
We Are Electric
Why This Is Important To Understand
When the blood flow is impaired the process of electrical to chemical is impaired. The impairment is how sickness and disease starts.
Very Few Understand What You Are Reading Here And That Is Why Sickness and Disease Is At Epidemic Levels
First there are no medical claims here. Our body does the what it is intended to do when we help it by restoring our blood circulation to that rate when we were at our healthy circulatory peak.
Second the medical device I represent approved by the FDA is part of the solution. We cannot load our bodies with toxins and chemicals then improve the circulation and expect a positive outcome. That does not work.
You May Be An Elite Athlete ( most are not ) And Again Here Is Why You Need To Know
Exercise, massage, acupuncture, supplements, drugs do not have any meaningful influence on our blood flow in our capillary system.
Everyone’s blood flow in the capillary system including elite athletes is adversely affected by toxins, chemicals, radiation from cell phones wifi airport security, smart boxes and more, We are constantly bombarded and can’t escape this. Industrialized processed food also adversely affects this blood flow. Then there is stress – stress is a major cause of disease everywhere.
If you are beginning to see how important circulation is in the body and understand I represent the only technology in the world that is proven to have a positive influence on blood circulation in our capillary system that is 74% of our total circulation system then contact me so I can get you more information for your due diligence
Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor Text 727-224-4743 Email
PS Here is a fun video on the theme We Are Electric
There is a direct link between obesity and diabetes. That is a medical fact. As we have seen the rate of diabetes dramatically increase there is a clear correlation. This article gives you the facts and offers solutions.Note thinking a modification in lifestyle to more healthy eating and drinking along with more exercise is not enough because those alone will not help the body reverse the damage already done. There is help.
Obesity Trends
About half the states reporting to the Center for Disease Control show 30% or more of the population is obese in 2014. The remainder are in the 20-30% range. Here is the link
In 1994 no states reported obesity rates greater than 19% and only 16 states reported obesity rates of 15-19%. In just 20 years the rate of obesity has about doubled.
The data is likely understated simply because of the difficulty in getting true measurements. There are likely other causes of diabetes besides weight because every person considered obese does not have diabetes. However the data show a clear correlation.
The Most Notable Effects of Diabetes:
Impaired circulation especially in the extremities. In the most serious cases the final option is amputation
Impaired vision
Higher risk of heart attack
Higher risk of auto accidents. (When I first heard that it took me a little while to understand that changes in blood sugar can cause people to become weak and loose mental focus. Then I could see how accidents could be a greater risk.)
Higher likelihood other medications will be required to regulate additional physical conditions.
Continual dependency on prescription medication.
Diabetes is considered to be the most costly of all chronic metabolic diseases because of the length of time people are treated for it.
How Does The FDA Class 1 Medical Device Help People With Diabetes ?
First there are no medical claims being made and you are advised to coordinate any changes you make with your medical doctor. Do not make any adjustments to your medication protocol without your doctor’s approval
The breakthrough technology has a significant positive influence on the circulation of the blood in the body including the capillary system that is 74% of our circulation system There is no other product, medical device in the world that can compare to what this does for us and that is a measurable fact. As the circulation of the blood improves the body takes over and begins to address what it was designed to do including:
Improved vision
Return to more normal circulation
Much better absorption of nutrients and pharmaceuticals.
Detoxing and anti-aging system of all cells including those at the capillary level
Increased energy
Improved sleep and mental clarity
Note when combined with a common sense focus on quality food and drink plus a sustainable exercise program, you can expect to experience a continual improvement in your health. Every body and lifestyle is different so the time required for your body to restore itself to a healthy state varies. The key is consistently following the instructions.
For detailed information on what this FDA Class 1 Medical Device is, how it works and more Please contact me
Steve Pohlit, Independent Distributor
Text: 727-224-4743
These are just some of the benefits that are experienced with the biotechnology FDA Class 1 medical device I represent
How does one device do all these and more?
Simple – it is all about the circulation of the blood we have in our body. Our bodies are the magic when we have healthy circulation and especially in our capillary system
Modern Conveniences That Are A Source of Premature Aging, Sickness, Disease, and Shortening Life Expectancy
Our 100 trillion cells need nutrition. Where do most of us source our daily nutrition? Grocery stores, restaurants including fast food are the primary sources of our food. These sources are convenient. Most of what is available for us is a product of industrialized food production. This means most of the food we buy now is non organic, GMO and packed with sugar and chemicals. The result is obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders and more all at epidemic levels
Many people purchase bottled water because they are concerned about the quality of water from the tap. We are paying a heavy price for this view and it may be largely misguided.
“Excessive withdrawal of natural mineral or spring water to produce bottled water has threatened local streams and groundwater, and the product consumes significant amounts of energy in production and shipping. Millions of tons of oil-derived plastics, mostly polyethylene terephthalate (PET), are used to make the water bottles, most of which are not recycled. Each year, about 2 million tons of PET bottles end up in landfills in the United States;”
This data was from 2005 so imagine what it is now.
“In industrial countries with highly regulated water supplies, tap water has been proven to be just as safe, or safer, than its commercial counterpart.”
The source of the quotes is a site named Worldwatch.
For me it is very evident that we are consuming water that has deteriorated in quality over the past 20-30 years. Chemicals are the biggest culprit. So with each of our 100 trillion cells requiring water the modern convenience of running water and bottled water is not helping us achieve our goal of a longer, healthier, more energetic life.
This is the most important requirement of our cells. Without oxygen our cells die in 6 minutes. So what is the quality of our air? For most people it is not that great. We are paying the price for the convenience of how we travel. Materials to build or repair buildings where we live and work are convenient and there are a lot of chemicals in those materials.
With the focus on energy efficiency recycled air is common. Candidly I have no idea how airline pilots and attendants maintain and degree of health at all. The same is true for people who live in work in major cities where there is a high concentration of toxic air.
Everyone that is polled on the question of whether there is more or less stress than ever now say more. Controlling this is extremely important because it may be the real cause of heart disease which is still the number one killer. Make up your mind that managing stress is a priority then develop your own program for addressing it. Personally I use a combination of recommendations in this article and I have my favorite resources that I study, reflect on and journal about. Yoga and meditation are favorites of a growing number of people. Joining support groups may be an option for you. Stress management needs to be an individualized program. If you want more ideas on this you are welcome to contact me and I will listen and help you if I can.
EMF – A Growing Threat
I don’t think anyone can escape electronic magnetic field or electronic radiation. The convenience of cell phone, internet, communication signals from a huge number of radio and TV stations has the effect of damaging our circulatory system. Add to it the electronics used in the medical profession, airport security, smart houses and more and you begin to realize we really do not have an idea of the damage being done because the proliferation of EMF is relatively new. What we do know is the rate of alzheimers and other neurological diseases is skyrocketing. Read the book “Disconnected”.
Drug Use and Interactions
Modern medicine and technology is outstanding in a crisis. However the use of prescription medication and now vaccines is out of control. It is true drug companies alert us as to possible side effects. However drug companies do very little with regard to the dangers of interactions with other drugs prescribed at the same time. It is very common for people on prescription medication to be taking multiple 3 or more different pills each day.
While there is absolutely a time and place for prescription medication, there is concrete evidence of prescription drug abuse. Read the book “Our Daily Meds” Medication and medical care is convenient and often is only addressing the symptom not the cause. Pharmaceutical companies seem to have a strategy of getting people on meds for life. Now that drugs are coming off patents faster than new drugs added the strategy is to tell people they must have vaccines. Note I am not suggesting you stop taking your drugs or disconnect the relationship with your doctor. There must be a comprehensive plan that is used if you have the goal of reducing or eliminating your prescription medications and vaccines. See Action Plan below.
Sedentary Lifestyle
We are in the age of the Internet where everything and anything is available to us though computers, phones, TV’s Sitting is the new smoking. We are not moving enough and that includes our children. Just look at the rate of obesity and diabetes in children. We are built to move to use our muscles and lungs.
There Is Not Just Any One Thing At Cause
This list I just highlighted are the big areas of concern and seem to be why we are experiencing a decline in longevity in the US since 2012. There is not just one thing. All of them are contributing to decline in the quality of life.
Action Plan
Get the best quality food and water possible.
I am an advocate of nutritional supplementation especially whole green live food that I can easily use every day. If you want to know what I use personally email me.
Adopt a sustainable exercise program. That means one or more things you can do 3-5 times a week. Walking is a great start and can be very relaxing.
If you develop a sustainable action plan for steps 1-3 you will be able to maintain a reasonable weight and you will be fueling your cells with quality nutrients and water. This will be a great start to you being able to avoid or possibly reduce dependence on prescription medication. Do not change your dose of medicine or medical protocol without consultation with your doctor.
Do not hold your phone up to your ear and do not sleep with your WiFi in in the same room or your phone within 10 feet of your bed.
I don’t have an immediate practical recommendation for improving the quality of your air if you are in a more polluted area.
No matter how good the food, water and nutritional supplements are the benefit of those cannot get to your cells if the circulation is blocked. The FDA Class 1 medical, biotechnology device I represent is the only product in the world that has a significant positive effect on the circulation of our capillary system which is 74% of our body’s circulatory system I cover this in reasonable detail in the following video as well as other videos you will find on my YouTube channel
Results are what matters. This is true for relationships, work, business and certainly for health. Ask anyone who has health challenges what is most important to them and you will hear they simply want to feel good again.
Number 1
#1 Complaint at the doctor’s office: “I don’t have enough energy”
#1 Cause of death: heart disease
#1 Most costly disease and the one that is increasing at an alarming rate: Diabetes
Energy: ATP or Adenosine triphosphate, is the process in which energy is moved throughout each of our trillions of cells. The greater the increase in oxygen at the cell level the greater the production of ATP.
Slowing or blockage of blood circulation means cells do not get the oxygen, water, nutrition needed and are not able to process waste. This is why the number one reported benefit by people using the FDA Class 1 patented medical device I represent is increased energy. It is proven to increase circulation including at the micro vessel level which is 74% of our circulation system. Increased circulation means increased oxygen and ATP at the cellular level.
The benefits reported by people in addition to increased energy are many. There is an increasing number of benefits that are truly amazing. Contact me for a list of recommended resources where you will see more evidence of this information.
Remember the device is not disease specific and there are no claims or diagnosis being made. These reported results are attributable to increased circulation. Our bodies are designed to correct what is needed when we have improved circulation and follow common sense lifestyle choices.
Please call me or email me with questions, comments or requests for more information.
Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor Email
Direct 727-224-4743