
To begin appreciating the significance of this statement, understand that the size of a capillary is 1-7 angstrums . An angstum is 1-1 millionth of a centimeter I understand that it is difficult to appreciate something that small In most of our capillaries that extend 74,000 miles only one blood cell can flow through it at a time.

If a capillary collapses the blood cannot circulate in that area. Once it cannot circulate the blood cells begin to aggregate. Once that happens, the cells cannot get the oxygen, nutrition, water they need and they cannot eliminate waste.

Our bodies can heal themselves when the cells get what they need and are able to eliminate waste. The FDA Class 1 medical device I represent is the only technology in the world that has a significant positive influence on the circulation in the capillary system. Class 1 means safe for all ages except those who have had an organ transplant and are on immuno suppressant medication.

Remember if the circulation is impaired then our cells cannot get what they need no matter how high a quality of food, supplements or water we are using.

Click Here for a more detail

Better: Contact me for complete product details and videos of results people are experiencing.


Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Text 727-224-4743

Modern Conveniences That Are A Source of Premature Aging, Sickness, Disease, and Shortening Life Expectancy

Modern Conveniences That Are A Source of Premature Aging, Sickness, Disease, and Shortening Life Expectancy

anti agingFood 

Our 100 trillion cells need nutrition. Where do most of us source our daily nutrition?  Grocery stores, restaurants including fast food are the primary sources of our food. These sources are convenient. Most of what is available for us is a product of industrialized food production. This means most of the food we buy now is non organic, GMO and packed with sugar and chemicals.  The result is obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders and more all at epidemic levels


Many people purchase bottled water because they are concerned about the quality of water from the tap.  We are paying a heavy price for this view and it may be largely misguided.

“Excessive withdrawal of natural mineral or spring water to produce bottled water has threatened local streams and groundwater, and the product consumes significant amounts of energy in production and shipping. Millions of tons of oil-derived plastics, mostly polyethylene terephthalate (PET), are used to make the water bottles, most of which are not recycled. Each year, about 2 million tons of PET bottles end up in landfills in the United States;”

This data was from 2005 so imagine what it is now.

“In industrial countries with highly regulated water supplies, tap water has been proven to be just as safe, or safer, than its commercial counterpart.”

The source of the quotes is a site named Worldwatch.

For me it is very evident that we are consuming water that has deteriorated in quality over the past 20-30 years. Chemicals are the biggest culprit.  So with each of our 100 trillion cells requiring water the modern convenience of running water and bottled water is not helping us achieve our goal of a longer, healthier, more energetic life.


This is the most important requirement of our cells. Without oxygen our cells die in 6 minutes. So what is the quality of our air? For most people it is not that great. We are paying the price for the convenience of how we travel. Materials to build or repair buildings where we live and work are convenient and there are a lot of chemicals in those materials.

With the focus on energy efficiency recycled air is common. Candidly I have no idea how airline pilots and attendants maintain and degree of health at all. The same is true for people who live in work in major cities where there is a high concentration of toxic air.


Everyone that is polled on the question of whether there is more or less stress than ever now say more. Controlling this is extremely important because it may be the real cause of heart disease which is still the number one killer. Make up your mind that managing stress is a priority then develop your own program for addressing it. Personally I use a combination of recommendations in this article and I have my favorite resources that I study, reflect on and journal about.  Yoga and meditation are favorites of a growing number of people. Joining support groups may be an option for you. Stress management needs to be an individualized program. If you want more ideas on this you are welcome to contact me and I will listen and help you if I can.

EMF – A Growing  Threat 

I don’t think anyone can escape electronic magnetic field or electronic radiation. The convenience of cell phone, internet, communication signals from a huge number of radio and TV stations has the effect of damaging our circulatory system. Add to it the electronics used in the medical profession, airport security, smart houses and more and you begin to realize we really do not have an idea of the damage being done because the proliferation of EMF is relatively new. What we do know is the rate of alzheimers  and other neurological diseases is skyrocketing.  Read the book “Disconnected”.

Drug Use and Interactions 

Modern medicine and technology is outstanding in a crisis. However the use of prescription medication and now vaccines is out of control. It is true drug companies alert us as to possible side effects. However drug companies do very little with regard to the dangers of interactions with other drugs prescribed at the same time. It is very common for people on prescription medication to be taking multiple 3 or more different pills each day.

While there is absolutely a time and place for prescription medication,  there is concrete evidence of prescription drug abuse.  Read the book “Our Daily Meds”  Medication and medical care is convenient and often is only addressing the symptom not the cause.  Pharmaceutical companies seem to have a strategy of getting people on meds for life. Now that drugs are coming off patents faster than new drugs added the strategy is to tell people they must have vaccines. Note I am not suggesting you stop taking your drugs or disconnect the relationship with your doctor.  There must be a comprehensive plan that is used if you have the goal of reducing or eliminating your prescription medications and vaccines.  See Action Plan below.

Sedentary Lifestyle 

We are in the age of the Internet where everything and anything is available to us though computers, phones, TV’s Sitting is the new smoking.  We are not moving enough and that includes our children. Just look at the rate of obesity and diabetes in children. We are built to move to use our muscles and lungs.

There Is Not Just Any One Thing At Cause

This list I just highlighted are the big areas of concern and seem to be why we are experiencing a decline in longevity in the US since 2012.  There is not just one thing. All of them are contributing to decline in the quality of life.

Action Plan

    1. Get the best quality food and water possible.
    2. I am an advocate of nutritional supplementation especially whole green live food that I can easily use every day. If you want to know what I use personally email me.
    3. Adopt a sustainable exercise program. That means one or more things you can do 3-5 times a week. Walking is a great start and can be very relaxing.
    4. If you develop a sustainable action plan for steps 1-3 you will be able to maintain a reasonable weight and you will be fueling your cells with quality nutrients and water. This will be a great start to you being able to avoid or possibly reduce dependence on prescription medication. Do not change your dose of medicine or medical protocol  without consultation with your doctor.
    5. Do not hold your phone up to your ear and do not sleep with your WiFi in in the same room or your phone within 10 feet of your bed.
    6. I don’t have an immediate practical recommendation for improving the quality of your air if you are in a more polluted area.
    7. No matter how good the food, water and nutritional supplements are the benefit of those cannot get to your cells if the circulation is blocked. The FDA Class 1 medical, biotechnology device I represent is the only product in the world that has a significant positive effect on the circulation of our capillary system which is 74% of our body’s circulatory system I cover this in reasonable detail in the following video as well as other videos you will find on my YouTube channel
    8. Bonus Report from the Institute For Natural Healing A Must Read

For more information please contact

Steve Pohlit

Fear and Stress: The Silent Killers

stressFear and Stress: Today there is a lot of both where hurricane Mathew has been and has yet to come. Both emotions are created by how we think with the exception of those physical situations which are truly physically threatening. On balance the actual percentage of physical treats is very small. So we imagine all sorts of outcomes and do tremendous damage to the health of our body. Most of the US and world is not threatened by Mathew. Yet we create our own list of what may happen and fuel our level of stress which is a huge killer. Do you think heart disease and other epidemic level major diseases are not related to stress? They are – big time.

We know a lot actually about how the body works. We is relative. I meet many people every week who have no idea about our capillary system, how that helps us when it is healthy, what causes it to break down and what helps restore health there and our entire body. So I and others share expanded information about blood flow, the amazing device that is the only product in the world that significantly improves blood flow in the micro vessel system along with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced, moving forward mindset. Personally I spend time daily with resources that I feel are helping me influence my own mindset in a positive way.

Quality information resources are literally available at our fingertips. When I say life changing in amazing ways that is not an overstatement. People are getting healthier and becoming happier in the process. Most however are like those ordered to evacuate the path of Mathew and didn’t. Now they are in crisis and wish they had paid attention.

I close this message the same way I do with all my messages that reach hundreds and maybe thousands of people everyday: for more information, send me an email or text me 727-224-4743

Be Well
Be Safe
Be at Peace

Steve Pohlit


The Secret of 74%

74%The Secret of 74%

Most doctors do not know at all or very little. Most people do not know at all.So what is this secret?

Actually there is no secret. All the information is there we are just not informed about our micro vessel system the system of our capillaries – 74,000 miles of them that that represents 74% of our body’s blood circulation.

Our heart cannot pump blood through 74,000 miles of very thin capillaries and have the blood reach the trillions of cells there.

My goal is to introduce you to the information so you understand how blood circulates in this system. Also understand what causes it to slow down and the problems that begin to result. Once you do then you will see how the FDA medical device I represent  is literally breakthrough technology developed over the past 2 decades is so valuable for our health.

The closer you look you will be amazed. Contact me now for in depth information on this technology.

Contact Information

Steve Pohlit

Bioavailable and Detox

When blood flow is unrestricted, our cells receive the oxygen, water and nutrition needed and those cells are able to process waste. If you consume the healthiest food, water and supplements, if you periodically use a detox program, a lot of that is wasted where blood flow is restricted.

You can feel that you are healthy and not know that part of your blood flow is compromised.  In the brief video below I explain the large part of our circulation system than most do not know or think about. The micro vessel system is 74% of our total circulation. Aging, stress, toxins and chemicals we are exposed to, unhealthy food and drink, and more contribute to a slow down of our blood circulation.

Exercise influences this circulation system by a very small degree. There are not supplements or drugs that influence it. There is one medical device that increases circulation in our micro vessel system in a very meaningful way. Listen to the video on the topic of circulation. The more you understand this the more you will appreciate just how valuable the medical device is.

Because of the significant influence on the circulation system this device has, all the good nutritional habits you have are optimized for your body. In addition, all your cells are now detoxifying as they should. This may be the best anti-aging and detox program available.

The following is the  Facebook live presentation I recorded on what most of us do not know about circulation. I have covered the main points in the text above. With live the picture is not as stable since I am holding the phone camera. I will get better at this. I am including it here for your convenience.

The Device and Business Model Is Helping A Lot of People
For More Information Contact Me

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Direct 727-224-4743

Animal Lovers Are Reporting Fantastic Experiences Using This FDA Class 1 Medical Device

dogs, cats, love this While attending product presentations and calls to increase my understanding of the science and results with using the medical device I represent, I was also learning of the experiences of pet owners. Some of those are:

Dogs and cats often gets on the device with their owner as soon as it is turned on.

Older pets started regaining their energy and playing with the younger ones.

Healing of injuries were much faster than expected.

Those who were told their pet’s problems were arthritis and other health conditions, soon displayed reduced or no symptoms

Reclusive pets became social and more aggressive pets became calm.

Over time especially as we added a weekly Veterinarian call I heard more of these stories and more about how people were using the settings and accessories for this FDA Class 1 medical device and their pets. I also learned how Veterinarians, horse trainers, other animal trainers and animal caregivers are using this in their practices and businesses.

Pets do not have the placebo effect so these reported results further strengthened my belief system in the device along with the people testimonials I heard that I wish I could share but have restrictions doing that.

Linda Tellington JonesHorses

The company has a veterinarian spokesperson. Her name is Linda Tellington Jones. She is internationally recognized for her work with horses. She has been using the device along with other modelities with horses for quite some time. She has extended its use to small animals.

There is an exciting recording of an interview with Linda that is less than 30 minutes. During that interview you will have the experience of visualizing the results of the horses she uses as examples. She tells it best so listen to the call. I am happy to share that with you. Simply Email Me or text me at 727-224-4743

I will continue to share what I can and remain compliant with the FDA guidelines we have. Please contact me for more of the benefits of this device and let me know how I can help you with more information.

Steve Pohlit

Important Information About Our Health

causes of deathIn 1971 when President Nixon declared war on cancer, 1 of 13 people were affected.  Today after trillions of dollars spent on research, new drugs and more 1 of 2 men and 1 of 3 women are forecast to be affected.

In 1985 lest than 10% of the population in a small number of states were considered obese – not just overweight but obese. In 2010 the date of the most recent report 13 states had obesity rates exceeding 30% and all the rest had rates exceeding 20%  Obesity is a direct link to diabetes which is growing by epidemic proportions.

Cancer and diabetes are two health conditions that place significant strains on the heart. Cancer cells do not like oxygen and nutrient rich cells. Diabetes is the leading cause of limb amputations from lack of circulation on a an annual basis costing billions of dollars. Additional strains on the heart include all health conditions, risky lifestyle choices, stress  and  disruptive sleep.

The FDA Class 1 medical device I represent significantly increases the circulation of our blood in our entire body including the micro vessel system. The result is much more oxygen to our red blood cells and restored detoxification. The increased circulation positions our body to take over and begin to correct what is not working properly. This process if further assisted by adding more healthy food and quality water to our diet. The increased circulation in our capillary system which is 74% of our total circulation reduces the work load of the heart. 

This device is no substitute for professional medical care and it not represented to diagnose, treat cure any disease. With that it is facilitating our bodies to do some amazing things.

Text me to discuss in greater detail 727-224-4743.  If you or someone you know is experiencing a health challenge we need to get them more information.

Thank you

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Real Estate Investor

Medical Diagnostic Mistakes, Prescription Drug Errors

(One of the major benefits of the device I represent as reported by people using prescription medications is less is needed and often none are required at all. Do not adjust on your own. Always follow the direction of your doctor.)

medical mistakesRecently a friend posted on Facebook her experience with her annual physical exams.  She was primarily discussing how she was treated during the process.

That sparked my curiosity on how reliable are the physical exam results and how often are people misdiagnosed and how often do people receive the wrong prescription.

Before continuing I want to be very clear that I absolutely am in no way advising anyone to not have physical exams or make modifications to their prescriptions without consulting their doctor. I also want to be very clear that each of us is responsible for our health  I am especially excited about the FDA Class 1 medical device I represent as I continue to learn more about our body’s circulation.

My concern stems from my experience talking with many people about their health and learning it is quite common to take a doctor’s word as gospel. With that consider these statistics:

According to The Institute of Medicine “Americans experience about 12 million diagnostic errors a year”  This statistic was updated September 2015.  There are additional very alarming statistics including the number of deaths from medical mistakes and the number of medical mistakes with seniors with an average age of 76 – shocking.  Click Here to read all the details

When it comes to prescription medications, an estimated one third of adults in the US take 5 or more medications. Now consider this: “An adverse drug event (ADE) is defined as harm experienced by a patient as a result of exposure to a medication, and ADEs account for nearly 700,000 emergency department visits and 100,000 hospitalizations each year. Click Here for the full report

With the trends of an aging population and a continual increase in the number of medications being prescribed it no surprise that the numbers continue to get worse.

Our bodies are marvelous systems that can self correct much of what is wrong. Circulation of our blood is the key along with common sense care of what we eat, drink and are exposed to.

Repeating what I include in nearly every health related article, 74% of our circulatory system is at the micro vessel or capillary level. Our blood flows through this system as a result of unique process that is separate from our heart, arteries and veins. Most are not aware of this information along with what causes that circulation system to slow down. Aging, stress, trauma, lifestyle all cause it to slow down and as that happens our cells cannot get the oxygen, water, nutrition needed and the waste removal process of our cells is impaired. The FDA Class 1 medical device I represent significantly enhances blood flow which then enables the body to take over and begin to correct where needed.  Using this device along with sensible eating and lifestyle could mean you are reduce the need for traditional medical care.

I hope this information helps you and contact me at any time with questions or requests for more information.

Thank you

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
727-224-4743 (text or voice)


The Ultimate Anti-Aging Program

anti agingAnti-Aging 

You have probably heard that our body regenerates itself over time. Some areas faster than others.  So I always wondered if that is the case why do we develop wrinkles and other physical conditions associated with aging.

Part of the reason is impairment of cells at the micro vessel level. The capillaries are so thin that blood cells flow through in single file. As you think about this you may begin to appreciate it does not take much to disrupt this.  So when this circulation slows down for everyone because of aging, stress, life style and more cells can become impaired. So when impaired cell regenerate what do you think they are producing?

The FDA Class 1 medical device I along with others in the business represent, significantly improves the circulation of the blood including the micro vessel system which is 74% of the our circulatory system. As the circulation improves the body takes over and does its magic. This is the ultimate anti-aging program because our device addresses the core circulation of the body. This is not a process of applying or taking products that cannot reach cells where circulation is impaired.

I encourage you to call or  text me at 727-224-4743 to arrange for a brief presentation.

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Real Estate Investor

Natural Detox With A Bonus – Weight Loss

Detox text made from fruits and vegetables “The best detox and anti-aging program there is and when I started using this system, I released 15 pounds.”

When I heard this statement from an internationally known expert in the health and wellness niche who heads a clinic that works primarily with people with very serious issues I sat up and paid close attention.

Detox Explained and The Link To Weight Loss 

Weight LossEach of our trillions of cells needs oxygen, water and nutrition. They also need to process waste.  What they need is received by our capillaries – all 74,000 miles of them.  What they discard is through our veins.  The expert used analogy of a house. The small pipes is where we draw our water. The large pipes are the sewer system. All is well unless there is a clog. The same is true for our bodies.

The FDA Class 1 medical device I along with my partners represent is scientifically proven to increase the circulation in our micro vessel or capillary system. So the removal of waste is as our bodies intended. When a person starts using this system, they may experience an increase in waste removal and that is why  there can be a reduction of weight loss. Certainly a  healthy diet and physical exercise is also recommended.

This detox process is natural.  Simply evaluate this benefit in comparison to other detox programs promoted. I have done several of them.  For me I will stick with this one.

I encourage you to text me at 727-224-4743 to arrange for a brief presentation.

I hope you found this very enlightening and helpful

Steve Pohlit
Independent BEMER Distributor