The following is the most recent information on Med Beds and this article is using the term Life Pods
Here is what is available now:
Note For the technology that is supposed to be available soon You Must Visit This Telegram Site For The Updated Information On Booking An Appointment Outside of the US In the US the email address is Telegram is a free app there also is a desktop version. Email addresses for an appointment outside of the US can be found the Telegram site. SCAM NOTE IF ASKED TO PAY A FEE – DON’T THAT IS A SCAM. You will find information at Skyes Telegram site.
They have put med beds in all the vacant military bases.
All the hospitals that have been closed or sold have been taken over by the White Hats and filled with Med beds.
Med beds will be placed in all areas, nearest towns . A med bed will be accessible to everyone.
In Germany the beds are already in operation, as well as the United States, Canada and United Kingdom and many other places
First of all, the most seriously ill will get a place. It is built up slowly to prevent the rush and to avoid panic, with terminally ill.
Some would like to go and they consciously do not know it.
Note You Must Visit This Telegram Site For The Updated Information On Booking An Appointment Outside of the US In the US the email address is
From: Skye’s Med Bed Room
Procedures last anywhere from a few minutes
to 15 hours depending on what you are having
done, So, when you contact the med bed
officials via their direct mail address at:
they will set up the initial consultation with the centre near you
- Health Benefits. Med Beds can correct patient medical issues to restore an individual’s body to optimum state.
- Regrowing Organs. The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.
- New Bones and Healing. For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed by the bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can be carried out.
- Surgery. Surgeries in the Med Beds will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher needing surgery can get into a Med Bed and be ready to pitch very soon after the treatment. In actuality, they will be ready to pitch before they wake up and get out of the Med Bed.
- VAX Damage. The beds can reverse the damage caused by the vax, however those who are unvaxxed and have natural injuries, their injuries will be a priority.
- Heart Patients. Med Beds heal heart issues of all types.
- Addictions. Yes. Addictions can be healed. But people will still need to work on why they became addicted in the first place.
- Dissolving of surgery added pieces. The beds will dissolve any surgically added pieces and repair the damage, returning the body to the healthy state before the issues began.
- Chemo. The Med Bed not only heals the damage done from chemo but returns the body to complete health removing all abnormal growths.
- Allergies. Allergies will be eliminated.
- Dentistry. All Dental issues will be repaired. And teeth will regenerate. Teeth will also restraighten if needed.
- Overweight. Yes. You can return to your ideal weight.
- Vision & Hearing. Yes. Your vision and hearing can return to its optimum state. Cataracts can be corrected as well.
- Scars. Scars will be repaired and will disappear.
- Schizophrenia. Mental issues can be repaired.
- Autistic. Autistic kids can be helped with healing.
- Ortho. Ortho issues such as the adjustment of bones and bone correction will be handled as well.
- Depression. DEPRESSION will be helped gradually. Eventually an individual will have to deal with the trauma in a positive way. There will be many spiritually trained counselors both human and non-human to help anyone with depression.
- Improvements. Med Beds can make someone more empathetic, intelligent, etc. Additional languages can be learned/downloaded as well. It is important however, to have a reason to use the improvements you are requesting for download. For instance, there wouldn’t be a reason to download all languages on this planet if you don’t plan to use them. And a big part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge that you need.
- Perfect Health. Beds will restore your body to optimum health.
- Heal the Mind. When you heal the mind, you heal the body.
- Vitality. The Med Beds return individuals to optimum health. If you are 80 years of age for example, you will have the best health for and 80-year-old. That doesn’t mean you will be as agile and fit as if you were 30. Age regression is possible to extend your life. Not everyone will be approved for age regression. It’s not something that is taken lightly. It will be approved for the right purposes.
- Issues from Birth. The beds can correct issues that even showed up at birth.
- DNA. Med Beds will reverse genetic expressions that are turned off such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and methylation issues with the detox and cleanup of DNA.
Please note I copied this information that was posted on Telegram. I do not have any additional information at this time. I have submitted an email to the team requesting an appointment. If you send an email and get an appointment, please email me with that information. In the meantime I highly recommend reading this article
Steve Pohlit
do med beds kill viruses
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I have/ had stage 4 larynx cancer. I had radiation and chemotherapy at the same time which really caused me to develop a whole host of other problems as well.
I am still suffering and fighting every second to just breathe and swallow let another talk. I would like to have my name added to the waiting list. Of course this request is for treatment after the children, vets, special needs, have been treated. I have two of the sweetest dogs that are suffering with cancer also. So if there is a medbed for animals I beg to have there names added also. Joeys cancer was growing out of his mouth was removed and basically he is in gods hands.
Eli’s cancer is growing on the front of his chest.
Hello Steve, the above mentioned “Skye’s MedBed” is charging a $300 appointment booking fee. Are you aware of this?
Can you tell me a location that I might be able to book an appointment for myself in Idaho?
Thank you
I have clearly written any request for money is a scam – did you read that
I contacted that exact site listed above and I was asked to pay 300.00 I have done some research on Skye. I will never contact her again. Do your research people. She is not the only one running Med Beds.
I’m 61 years old and had heart attack at 39 years old ,2 stents in Innitualy and 2 later . Had Pacemaker with Defibulator installed 12/14/2020. Still living on disability but have a hard time catching my breath at times. I refuse to go to hospital for further treatment. Also have son-in- law with PTSD who needs help.
Heart Attack patient with a Pacemaker, need help along with Son-in-law with PSD. Central Wisconsin
how can i get a med bed? Can it cure cancer and can i help others with it? how to get one and how much do they cost, what is needed?
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cest tres intéressent pour réparer la colonne vertébrale mais cest quoi le prix
Bonjours je m’appelle Louise Raymond. J’ai recemment lu un article sur les lits médicalisés qui a piqué grandement ma curiositéé. A voir les bienfaits que sa pourrait m’apporter autant physiquement que mentalement j’aimerais connaitre la suite.
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Please see updated information at this site
I had a minor stroke in May 2022. I am not progressing much now with Physical Therapy. Is there a facility where I can be treated in Chicago, Illinois or in Tampa, Florida?
ENDOMETRIAL CANCER ( mass 2.7 cm )
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Bonjour M.Pohlit,
Je suis heureuse de trouver de l’information sur les Med Bed’s.
Je suis naturopathe depuis 33 ans (spécialité homéoathie de terrain) Je suis au Canada (Québec)
Je travaille depuis 1996 avec la Biorésonnance électromagnétique de Morathérapie ,distribué par Med Tronik, Allemagne.
Je souhaite obtenir les informations pour la formation complète afin d’opérer les Med Bed’s sur les Patients et les Patientes dans un milieu clinique.
Je suis disponible de me rendre dans une autre province ou pays.
Bien à vous et merci de votre suivi.
France Brisson.
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j’aurais souhaité bénéficié de la technologie des medbeds pour soigner ma maladie. Comment dois-je m’y prendre ?
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Hello !!!!
I live in NYC ,NY
I Trust MED BEDS Because is the Only Technology will save All Humanity !!!
I’m Waiting for a Long Time because I also have serious Problems with my Health !!!
Please help me to find MED BEDS in USA !!!
Thank You
Fotini Skali
Me too!
Mary Vose
Exmore, VA
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J’ai la maladie de parkinson et j”aurais aimé bénéficier du renouveau médical que représentent les medbeds. Tout évolue, tout est cyclique et tout vient en son temps. Tout se mérite aussi, je le sais. Que le ciel me pardonne de lui faire cette demande et je l’en remercie déja car dans le processus de la guérison il n’existe pas d’offrande sans louange, ou encore de vérité sans Amour. Tout est dans tout et tout est à sa place. Salutations à nos grands frères qui nous tendent leur main lumineuse et nous permettent de déployer les ailes encore mouillées de notre envol.
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Hello again !!!!
I send you 2 E-mails before and I was Hopping to get some News from your Team about the MED BEDS !!!!
My problem is my Health !!!!… Every day I’m Getting more Pain in my Meed Section and Bleeding Every Day !!!!….
My Ongology Doctor prescribe me to Do Chemotherapy !!!!… But I don’t Believe in That Therapy !!!
I’m a Believer for MED BEDS !!!!… I’m USA Citizen and I hope you Give me a Change to Get my Health !!!
I really Hope to Hear from You SOON !!!
Again Thank You !!!!
please contact me at
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I need an appointment as soon as possible. I am 81 and in bad shape
James Bradley
607 Edgewater Dr
Gaffney, SC
Im a sceptic – but have been watching this for a couple years . I sure hope it is true because I need some help.
If there is a way to set up an appointment, someone please tell us. One outfit wants to charge me an upfront registration fee of $350. & i am uncertain whether it is a scam or not.
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This could be real here, or not. Someone find out how, & please tell us clearly.
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My father has had cancer with lingering sloughing lymph node, recently had a broken hip and heart issues all after having the injection. His memory is horrible now and was intact before the injection. He has chronic critical blood clots in abdomen and below that they blame on the cancer but started after his injection. I would love to get him in a bed to heal. He is a vet and the VA was not even going to fix his hip or the wound from the lymph node that has a staff infection oozing out. I was able to get UNMC to fix his hip and clean out the wound that will continue since the lymph node is still inside and sloughing. I will wait and have my thyroid and allergies corrected. I also have many friends who suffer from PTSD from being in the service.
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Ich bin sehr an diesem wertvollen gesundheitlichen Projekt interessiert und hätte gern gewusst wo und ab wann man sich für eine Behandlung anmelden darf. Sehr viel habe ich darüber schon gelesen und recherchiert. Ich freue mich auf diese Technologie und auf die Behandlung & Hilfe für die Menschen der Welt. Gerne höre ich von Ihnen. Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus Deutschland.
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I have been waiting for 5 years and, if it doesn’t come to be, I won’t make it much longer.
Is there any charge?
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Yes and I believe this is where the scam is. A$300 dollar registration fee is requested before they will set your appointment. I do not believe this is legit and is entirely a SCAM
Requiring a fee is a scam. Here is the latest article on med beds
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To who this may concern my name is Linda and I would love to speak with someone about medbeds for me and my husband James we are both disabled with multiple problems we are raising our granddaughter and would love to be healthy again we heard about these 5 years ago and have been excited for their arrival, thank you all 💜💜
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Please see updated information at this site
As a holistic practitioner for over 35 years I know and believe in our ability to heal on every level. With the gift of med beds (to humanity) many people will receive the help they need. I also want to learn more about the opportunity to work in the community that will administer this healing technology. Is there someone I can speak with to be a part of this great work? I am a seeker of truth and want to help our great planet in every way I can. Thank you.
Karen Mason
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help lot of health problems like many people. im looking forward to being healthy once more thank you.928-978-9789 payson az.
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Looking for help… I have suffered with brain ischemia since I was a child. I also have AO, PTSD, Heart Disease w/2 STENTS, 5 Organs already removed, hernia, AFib, Acute Bronchitis… Lots wrong! I’m 68 (69 mid December),
How can I get qualified for treatment? Please…
God bless
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I know there are many of us that need help and we pray they come soon because being able to live longer and be with your family more is sooo important to us. How you choose is also up to all facilities, I have lung cancer stage 4 no more treatments since almost 3 years ago as it was deadly. I pray these facilities become open soon in every state and in several areas of said states! And May we all recieve it when it’s time and God Bless you all!
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I am so pleased to be reading this podcast. I hoave watched many people die because they did not have med bed treatment. I would like to volunteer to take people to their treatments in the thump area of MI. How would I get in touch with the organization to do this?
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Please help! Several family members have serious medical problems and I have spine issues +
Thank you!
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We are active and relatively healthy seniors, happy to wait as long as needed to let the children and those with serious illness go ahead.. especially our Veterans and returning soldiers.
We would like to be added to the wait-list for use of the Med beds.
We may also be useful in referring you to locations/facilities, true health practitioners, or to help you make contact with dependable, solid locals who have connections if you need them, to establish a facility for the beds to SE Idaho.
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Forced to retire at 63 because of no meniscus in right knee and two bulging disk one upper and another in lower back. I would rather be working than sitting around waiting for the end. I still force myself to go to gym, to do what I can to strengthen body, lost 100 pounds, I watch what eat, and do the best that I can, under these conditions. Friends say I look better, but body still hurts. Is there a facility in ohio where I can go. Would really like to go back to work.
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My friend’s son, 56, was diagnosed this year with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS). The disease seems to be progressing quickly, as he is now in a wheelchair.
The mother is Melgia Morrison, the son is Trey Marlow, of Bridge City, Texas. I would appreciate a quick response. Thank you.
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I’m 73 yrs old and need new teeth. I have 7 teeth upper, and 2 teeth lower. Lost 3 lower teeth since the first week in October. I will contact the med bed team at the email listed above to see if they have a location near me and if they are willing to give me an appointment to discuss my situation.
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Question; Will this technology change my DNA because I am a Christian and feel that God created all of us and knows us by his signature embedded in our DNA. My main problem is that I have back and joint constant pain. I am a 72 year old albino from birth and I am legally blind and the ones that we have been depending on are dead or now disabled and living in a rural town there is no public transportation. I would like to make an appointment for evaluation nearest our home in Fairfield, Texas. Thank you.
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Think about it – why on earth would an official military outfit (the ones who are supposed to be overseeing the whole thing) use a very unprofessional, unsafe and unstable gmail email address?
Not only that, but those who sent emails to that fake email address months ago, still haven’t heard anything – it’s an echo chamber of false hope and whoever started it, is laughing at the rest of us.
I hope they’re all caught and punished for what they’re doing to people. It’s typical demonrat behavior.
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Good morning. My husband and I would love to get into medbed as both of us not healthy. I have problems with heart also am a diabtic, have few health problems. My husband suffered major stroke can’t talk verbal paralyzed right side. I have been taking care of him since he had the stroke almost 14 years. This is why my health been going down and IBS has been really takingh a toll on my body, can’t do much at all. We love medbeds and when we heard it’s in our city was very happy. Please can someone get back to us we appreciate so very much. God bless you!
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Hi, My sister was telling me about the med bed and sent me a link so I could read about it. I was scheduled for heart surgery on 12-2-2022 but at the last minute the heart surgeon cancelled it and said he had found complications and wanted to concur with some other doctors/surgeons to get their opinion about the situation. After a long weekend he finally got back to me and wanted a face-to-face meeting to discuss the situation. During the meeting, which my sister and father also attended, the doctor explained as to why he cancelled the first surgery and explained my options going forward. Basically; he said that because of the aorta having a lot of calcium deposits, which are rock hard, any type of surgery could cause the calcium to break apart and travel to the brain killing me on the surgical table. He also mentioned that if surgery was to be done, be it a heart pump or transplant, the aorta would also have to be completely replaced; at the same time! Without the surgery using ONLY medications to help ease the complications; he said I should at least live another 2 years depending upon how I react to any possible treatment. I have been trying to fight this condition because I have a 9 year old daughter that I would love to see grow up. Ironically I am a disabled Vietnam USMC Veteran; which being in the service did not kill me but several years later, 44 to be exact, after my time in the service. I am told that my options are I could have the surgery and possibly die on the operating table; because of my condition being a very HI RISK operation. Or my other option is that I could try and combat this with medication and possibly live another two years or not.
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Hello, I’m a vetern that is 72 years old with a number of medical problems. Squammish cell cancer, Heart attack, with stint inserted , appendix removed, lost all teeth due to cancer treatments. back surgeries, and ringing in my ears. I pray I can be helped, so I can get involved in a project to help humanity.
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Hi are you in Australia. My brother is very sick with stage 4 cancer in his lungs and kidneys, he has asked me to let him know when the Med Beds become available. Please let me know as soon as they are available, as I am very worried about him. Thank You.
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My brother is in hospital in VA after suffering several strokes at the brain stem. He is not waking up but is still breathing. Can you help, please…
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how soon
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I had Polio @ age6, just affect strength in L leg. Swallowing is difficult. 2 ft of colon removrd has caused neuropathy, very painful @ times . Breast Cancer and Lung Cancer. I have been in remission. I also have a son that from birth has genetic disorder which is visible but no diagnosis. he has OCD anxiety and webbed neck and hands. LOVE HIM MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF. Could you help my son, I can live my husband died from Covid.
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Please see updated information at this site
Thank God, and all those responsible for bringing this healing technology to the public. A med-bed treatment facility is included within the healing center I’ve designed for my humanitarian project. A healthy body begins with an empowered mind, and spirit. As with everything in life, it’s a learning process. I look forward to having this gift of healing available to those in rural areas, and to people in all walks of life.
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Hi i am in Knox tn area, My X. but also my best friend has Parkinson and breast cancer & Nuropathy, And i have diabetes, arthritis, and while working on the barn my ladder sunk into the mud, I fell 14ft landing on the ladder broken ribs and some other damage me being 79 almost i just don’t bounce when i hit the ground like i use to! If there is a med bed center where we can get help i would appreciate it so very much!!! Thank you very much,
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Good afternoon. We heard Medbeds are here or soon. I am 61 my husband 70 we love to get into your new Technogolgy medbeds we both are not in good health. Please can you get back to us? thank you so much.
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I’m 75 years old. A chronic COPD. Have joint pains and would like to find a MedBed
facility near Vancouver, Brithish Columbia,Canad. Thank you
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Hi can you please let me know if the med beds are available in Australia, I have read a few times that the beds are not real I don’t know what to believe
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I was wondering where are the medbed locations in the US? My kidney function & heart function are not good at all. So I need to have a medbed body organ treatment as soon as possible. Please give me all the info that you have on what US locations the medbeds are so I can get scheduled to have a medbed body organ repair session. Thank you so much. It will literally save my life because I am in failing health right now.
Please see the latest article update. I am not aware of this technology being available. There are several products that may help you. However I am not a doctor or medical professional and cannot publish any advice.
I’m 77 years old and have prostate cancer and was treated with TULSA PRO Ultrasonic ablation of the anterior cancer on November 20th 2021 in Sarasota, Fla. I have no feeling and ED and small stream. Is it possible to get this repair back to normal with the Med Bed?
See my latest post on B17. The med bed technology is not yet available that I know of.
I am 85 years old and have degenerative disc disease in my back I would really appreciate more information about location of these med beds
They are not available yet to my knowledge. All the information I have is in the article.
Hi Steve,
I received and email to make and appointment for the MedBeds with a cost attached of $300 US. It if my understanding that the Quantum MedBeds are to be Free. Please reply with your response.
that is a scam I updated the article with what I am told are the correct emails – there should be no charge for an appointment
Got through the and hit a dead end when I got instructions to send $600.00 for administrative and APPOINTMENT info..$ 300 for me and $3oo for my spouse. I WAS UNABLE TO GET EVEN A HINT AS TO WHERE OR how to set up this appointment. I have encountered scam through J.B. at republic and am very sceptical about sending money with out knowing where the money is going. The Pay P.. conduit advised me to send information to them and then destroy the email “thread” (leading up to instruction to send $600.00). WOW!!! This smacks of a scam if I ever saw one. This was on skye prince telegram site which I trusted until I was warned off by PP. What the heck is going on? If any of you great people have had a similar experience just post to t.flynn. God Bless all.
That is the information I have and do not send any money Here is the latest article on med beds
I was asked to pay $300 for a consultation. I was told that they would make the appointment and even pick me up and take me to the appointment. I was told to send the money to an apartment in Auburn Maine. I questioned that because it wasn’t a government-affiliated address. I decided it was a scam.
Sarah Brooks-White
I clearly state any request for money is a scam
I have been waiting on Med Bed sense 2020 when first Trump spoke of it. It’s now 2 3/4 years later and no appointment. I believe in Trump so where are the Med Beds? I like many, many others are in need of a “body fix” urgently. Heart problems, arthritis, bad hearing, bad Eyesite, joint problems and so on. Most of these ailments were put on us. With that said: “I / We want our life back that they stole”.
Ready for appointment, please!
This group is a scam. They stole 1300.00 from me with fake telegram sites and even fraudulently stating they are with the government, which too is a lie. Stay away from them. Upon stealing my money the just disappeared.
These are people who hurt people in need.
I live in Southern California near San Diego. Are there any med bed centers in this area?
please let me know when they are available I have had cancer 3 times had my breast removed i have a lot of health problems and my husband had heart attack i would really appreciate being put on list for them thank you so very much
Jack Blades 86 years old and need an appointment as soon as possible ,201 E 28 th street west palm beach fla 33404
561-232-0647 ,Kidney damage ,Under jaw bite with rotted teeth and missing teeth, Arthrictic ,bone to bone knee joints ,,Shoulder suegery spindle cell carcinnoma cancer., ,Abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery , (Prostateeetomy surgery ,Stomach muscle bulge ,
Med beds have not been released to the public yet