iHerqules for Reversing Biological Age and Age Related Issues plus Much More

There Is Nothing Else Like iHerqules For The Quality of Your Health

Some of the benefits of iHercules include biological age and age related issues reversal, restoring the immune system and cleaning the blood . Here is more information. iHerqules Is Changing Health Care As We Know It Master Molecules Are The Reason iHerqules Reverses Biological Age-

Read the Main Benefits of iHerqules Closely

This science based iHerqules technology/Product replaces our cells with new cells having long telomeres the measurement of biological aging – IHerqules Reverses Biological Aging by 20+ years

Removes toxins, bad chemicals and other harmful materials in our blood that we are bombarded with more than ever now.

Strengthens our immune system which is the best defense against sickness and disease. This is especially important now which is cold and flu season. Now we are threatened with the virus and variants.

Neutralizes inflammation the source of all sickness, disease and aging.

The secret sauce of iHercules are the master molecules. There are 44 of then Here is one example: the Siberian Genselg herb has 1.5 million molecules. The master molecule for this ingredient in iHercules is just one. A tremendous amount of research has gone into isolating the master molecule for each of the 44 ingredients in iHercules. The master molecules go directly to the blood bypassing the digestive system.

This article helps to understand how iHercules helps microcirculation Click Here

There is much more information including the research beginning in the fifties, all the ingredients, the science, testimonials and educational videos.

Contact me at your convenience and I will help you with ordering options.


Steve Pohlit
For ordering iHercules https://nuxtrax.com/stevepohlit

PS You will no longer need supplements. Here is a good video with more information that is 18 minutes https://youtu.be/kmuhhOeoOds

Additional Resources

8 thoughts on “iHerqules for Reversing Biological Age and Age Related Issues plus Much More”

  1. I am really happy to be hearing about the Med Beds. It brings us great hope. I got a lump under my arm during the V. Age 71, Asked The Lord to hold it off till our Med people came back to their senses. Well now it’s bigger and a 2nd lump has appeared. I am ok…but still waiting, because I do not believe in Chemo and Radiation. Also my 81 year old hubby has had 3 small strokes since the passing of our youngest grandson in April. Hubby is doing well at about 97%, but I am so feared over the coming damage from all the drugs the system has him on. We have been healthy active people, and find that the hardest part of growing old, is losing loved ones. We feel as if we still have some time left yet, so we are just waiting, praying and hoping to hang on till these med beds get around to us old people. We do so want ALL the needing children and Veterens to be 1st on the list…even if it means we don’t get a chance at them. Thanks for bringing us the info. Keep up God’s work. Love & hugs from SW MI.

  2. Finding out how to sign up for these med beds is seemingly impossible for me a 76 year old with some problems I will not discuss with the pill givers since they only want to take money for nothing. If someone knows where to sign up for treatment with med bed let me know 564Cowboys@proton.me

  3. Greetings Steve, There has been an ongoing discussion regarding Med Bed (Life Pod) signup. Several months ago I applied for an appointment through Skye’s med bed room on Telegram Web site.
    Medbedteam.us@gmail.com. So far so good. When I got a reply the group requested 300. us dollars to proceed. This would seem reasonable but that the treatments have been said to be free for 2-3 years.
    This raised a question of whether a scam is involved, or that some countries have changed the rules on
    people who are in need w/o 300 $. So several months passed and I reapplied, same email and several sites published a notice that [if $ were being charged it was a scam] an advised avoiding this these sites.
    So second time around the reply I got was to send $ 350.00 via pay pal increasing my hesitancy.
    Then… Skye announced on telegram that a fee for expenses was justified. I could not agree more except we (I) were being warned away. Bottom line is: 1. Could you use your influence to straighten this out and 2. To see if we can establish a clear process to give people who are running out of time a path to liftoff? (Not throwing any stones here.)
    I am happy to assist if you need some extra help in getting this thing launched. Many years ago i was an Army officer ( Vet) and then did 18 years with IBM Corp as a engineer / design manager. I can work with just about anyone and still have most of my marbles. Thanks again for your efforts.
    T Flynn

  4. I have been doing research on the reality of Med Beds. There is a great deal of information both pro and con. The BBC in fact says they are a figment of peoples imagination. I have tried everything to try and validate their existance short of hiring private detectives and or offering a reward for proof of existance. If anyone has evidence that these things exist, please contact me. My email is listed but it is kept private from the public. I am sure it can be gotten from this publication. Thank you.

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