What Is Our Lymphatic System, Why Is It Important and Positive Influences

What Is the lymphatic system? (Google This phrase and you will find resources that are the basis for the answer to  this question provided here.)

The lymphatic system is a system of thin tubes and lymph nodes that run throughout the body. These tubes are called lymph vessels or lymphatic vessels. This network is about 18,000 miles so similar to our capillary system which is about 74,000 miles these vessels are very small and fluids are easily impaired

The lymph system is an important part of our immune system. It is responsible for:

• fighting bacteria and other infections
• destroying old or abnormal cells, such as cancer cells

How it works

The lymphatic system is similar to the blood circulation. The lymph vessels branch through all parts of the body like the capillaries that carry blood. The lymphatic system tubes carry a colorless liquid called lymph.

The lymph contains a high number of a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes. These cells fight infection and destroy damaged or abnormal cells.

As the blood circulates around the body, fluid leaks out from the blood vessels into the body tissues. This fluid carries food to the cells and bathes the body tissues to form tissue fluid. The fluid then collects waste products, bacteria, and damaged cells. It also collects any cancer cells if these are present. This fluid then drains into the lymph vessels. (Understand that the oxygen, water and nutrients are delivered to our cells in a fluid. A fluid then is the mechanism for the cells to release waste. A healthy lymphatic system is critical for cellular waste removal.)

Negative Influences On Blood and Lymph Fluid Circulation

The negative influences on the blood circulation of our capillary system apply to our lymphatic system. These include: stress, aging, toxins in our food, air, water, electronic magnetic field radiation, sedentary lifestyle. These negative influences result in our lymphatic system having to do  more work  to  process what is harmful to  us.

Positive Influences On Blood Flow Circulation and Lymph Fluid

The following have a positive influence on blood circulation in the macro system of the body which is the heart, arteries, and veins as well as having a positive influence on the cells flowing through our capillary system and the production of lymph fluid. Note these positive influences have little if any influence on the rate of blood circulation in the capillary system or lymph fluid network. These influences include: healthy nutrition and alkaline water, stress management, sustainable exercise. Radiation is pervasive and while some things can be done to reduce exposure, the bombardment is increasing from stronger cell phones, WiFi, radio/TV waives, security system, microwaves, diagnostic equipment and more.

A Major Positive Influence

The medical device that I represent is FDA Class 1 in the US and Class 2 or above equivalent in many other countries, has a significant influence on blood flow in the entire body including the capillaries. One 8 minutes session generally has a residual effect of 12-16 hours and is cumulative which means that the rate of blood circulation restores to that of a healthy 20 year old and note the operative word is healthy. This does not imply a person younger than 20 should not use this. Quite the opposite because from inception we are exposed to negative influences. This system also has a significant positive influence on the circulation of lymph fluid in our lymphatic system which is why this is known for strengthening our immune system.

There is no other device, product, food, exercise that has any meaningful influence on the blood circulation in the capillary system and on the circulation of lymph fluid. So the significance of the this device is huge.

Contact me for full details supported by science.

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor