Fear and Stress: The Silent Killers

stressFear and Stress: Today there is a lot of both where hurricane Mathew has been and has yet to come. Both emotions are created by how we think with the exception of those physical situations which are truly physically threatening. On balance the actual percentage of physical treats is very small. So we imagine all sorts of outcomes and do tremendous damage to the health of our body. Most of the US and world is not threatened by Mathew. Yet we create our own list of what may happen and fuel our level of stress which is a huge killer. Do you think heart disease and other epidemic level major diseases are not related to stress? They are – big time.

We know a lot actually about how the body works. We is relative. I meet many people every week who have no idea about our capillary system, how that helps us when it is healthy, what causes it to break down and what helps restore health there and our entire body. So I and others share expanded information about blood flow, the amazing device that is the only product in the world that significantly improves blood flow in the micro vessel system along with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced, moving forward mindset. Personally I spend time daily with resources that I feel are helping me influence my own mindset in a positive way.

Quality information resources are literally available at our fingertips. When I say life changing in amazing ways that is not an overstatement. People are getting healthier and becoming happier in the process. Most however are like those ordered to evacuate the path of Mathew and didn’t. Now they are in crisis and wish they had paid attention.

I close this message the same way I do with all my messages that reach hundreds and maybe thousands of people everyday: for more information, send me an email stevepohlit@gmail.com or text me 727-224-4743

Be Well
Be Safe
Be at Peace

Steve Pohlit