What Is Important To Know About Microcirculation

Microcirculation is often known as our body’s network of capillaries. What many do not understand end to end capillaries are about 75,000 miles and account for about 75% of our body’s blood circulation. Most think our blood is circulated by our heart, veins and arteries. Those account for 25% of our circulation and considering the micro size of capillaries it is physically impossible for the heart to pump blood through the microcirculation system

Blood moves through the microcirculation system by a mechanism called vasomotion. What is important to understand is how easy it is for blockages to develop in the microcirculation system. Since capillaries deliver blood to all our organs, clumping of blood in our capillaries means bringing oxygen and nutrients in our blood to where it is needed is compromised. The more it is compromised the greater the risk of sickness, disease and compromised cellular health.

There is one more item of information that is important in order to appreciate the focus of this article. Generally the cells in our body are replaced over a period of four months. As cell become damaged or die they are replaced with another cell of the same age. This is why biological aging is evident. That has been validated by third party labs measuring the length of telomeres which are the end caps of our DNA. The length of our telomers are a reflection of our longevity.

Until recently, my focus has been on circulation. I use BEMER which increases the rate of circulation in the microcirculation system by 30%. There are many benefits to that. Several years ago I was introduced to Healy and that expanded my understanding of frequencies for our body, mind and spirit. I now use both of those technologies. Several months ago I was introduced to iHercules which has been scientifically proven to reverse biological aging and age related issues. What I learned is the master molecules of 44 highly researched ingredients go directly to the blood stream meaning the microcirculation system and now our cells are replaced with new cells with long telomeres. This technology/product has many benefits including reverse biological aging as mentioned, restoring our immune system, eliminating inflammation, removing toxins and removing other garbage from our blood. Those in the health and wellness space know the phrase life is in the blood. I will add the higher the quality of our blood, the higher the quality of our life.

In summary unblocked circulation is very important. The quality of the blood moving through our circulation system is most important. Contact for more information.

Steve Pohlit

Health Rewards Now – What Does That Mean

In order to appreciate what health rewards now means , consider the different meanings of health. Many think of health as not being sick. One author recently wrote health is the harmonization of body, mind and spirit. I totally appreciate that as it links directly with my using Healy and sharing the information about healthy cells with others. The link is to an introductory article I use alot. Here is a brief explanation people like: Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the FDA as class 2 for relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non medical applications that use individualized frequencies that help balance your mind and body and relieve stress.

Healy programs are stored in two smart phone apps and each one supports the enhancement of our body, mind or spirit. In the link above there are two videos in the article intended to enhance your understanding of Healy. One of the best ways to understand Healy is to send the information asked for in the article and become a registered member. It is free to register and once done you will have access to the Healy manuals and you will begin to receive emails that help you further understand the benefits of Healy.

Personally I often review the Healy videos posted at my YouTube Channel and listen again while I am walking and driving. Another resource I enjoy are two Facebook groups including The Frequency Experience which has over 60,000 members and is completely focused on testimonials. The other is Superhuman Frequencies where the scope of what is covered is more than testimonials. You can read posts by Timewaver therapists. Timewaver is the parent company of Healy. There are discussions on how to introduce Healy, trouble shoot Healy and so much more.

Air and Surface Purification by Active Pure Technology

Air where all harmful particles that we cannot see are removed is extremely beneficial for our health. The link in the title to this section takes the reader to a three minute video that is a very good introduction. A feature I particularly like thinking about is the purification of surfaces. That means floors, furniture, tables and all items like cell phones anything sitting on tables in the bathrooms etc. are purified. This is amazing technology and one unit is effective to 3000 sq. ft.

If air is reaching an area or item ActivePure by Vollara is purifying it.

Eliminating Toxins

Our exposure to toxins is extreme. Food, water, air, and chemicals in just about everything we come in contact all our sources of toxins. The liver for most us is over its capacity for filtering toxins and when that happens the toxins are released to our fatty cells and visceral fat. Visceral fat is the safety lining around our organs. Fat cells with toxins often result in excess weight and belly fat. Thin people are not immune to the ill effects of toxins. Not everybody who are overweight and has belly fat experiences a noticeable reduction in a short time people as many report.

It is proven anyone taking X3 Microbiome and A3 by Xelliss is benefiting from the pure toxin elimination formulas of these products.


I began learning about BEMER and representing BEMER in 2015 . To this day I use my BEMER twice a day for 8 minutes. If you click on the link above, there is a very good 20 minute video introducing how BEMER benefits our health. In summary about 74% of our circulation system is micro vessels our capillary network. End to end that network is about 75,000 miles. There is a separate system from our heart that moves our blood through this network.

Bemer PEMF | BEMER Pro and BEMER 3000 Review

The highly patented BEMER increases the delivery of oxygen to the blood in our capillary network by about 30% and that benefit has a residual impact of 12-16 hours. This increase in circulation has many benefits to our health. For more information on BEMER text Steve Pohlit 727-224-4743 and I will agree to a 15 minute or so time with you to highlight the most important information.

Common Sense

None of the products featured here replaces the importance of common sense healthy lifestyle. That includes eating healthy nutritious food, drinking filtered water, consistent exercise and mindfulness practices.

Heath Rewards Now is the name of this site and to conclude this post I the rewards now for taking care of our health are great. There is nothing more important. Nothing else matters. Everything in life seems to matter very little when we are sick or diseased. Just know we have the information on how to be healthy and enjoy life. I hope this article helps you.

Contact Information

Steve Pohlit
Text/WhatsApp / Telegram 727-224-4743
Also http://stevepohlit.com

What Is Our Lymphatic System, Why Is It Important and Positive Influences

What Is the lymphatic system? (Google This phrase and you will find resources that are the basis for the answer to  this question provided here.)

The lymphatic system is a system of thin tubes and lymph nodes that run throughout the body. These tubes are called lymph vessels or lymphatic vessels. This network is about 18,000 miles so similar to our capillary system which is about 74,000 miles these vessels are very small and fluids are easily impaired

The lymph system is an important part of our immune system. It is responsible for:

• fighting bacteria and other infections
• destroying old or abnormal cells, such as cancer cells

How it works

The lymphatic system is similar to the blood circulation. The lymph vessels branch through all parts of the body like the capillaries that carry blood. The lymphatic system tubes carry a colorless liquid called lymph.

The lymph contains a high number of a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes. These cells fight infection and destroy damaged or abnormal cells.

As the blood circulates around the body, fluid leaks out from the blood vessels into the body tissues. This fluid carries food to the cells and bathes the body tissues to form tissue fluid. The fluid then collects waste products, bacteria, and damaged cells. It also collects any cancer cells if these are present. This fluid then drains into the lymph vessels. (Understand that the oxygen, water and nutrients are delivered to our cells in a fluid. A fluid then is the mechanism for the cells to release waste. A healthy lymphatic system is critical for cellular waste removal.)

Negative Influences On Blood and Lymph Fluid Circulation

The negative influences on the blood circulation of our capillary system apply to our lymphatic system. These include: stress, aging, toxins in our food, air, water, electronic magnetic field radiation, sedentary lifestyle. These negative influences result in our lymphatic system having to do  more work  to  process what is harmful to  us.

Positive Influences On Blood Flow Circulation and Lymph Fluid

The following have a positive influence on blood circulation in the macro system of the body which is the heart, arteries, and veins as well as having a positive influence on the cells flowing through our capillary system and the production of lymph fluid. Note these positive influences have little if any influence on the rate of blood circulation in the capillary system or lymph fluid network. These influences include: healthy nutrition and alkaline water, stress management, sustainable exercise. Radiation is pervasive and while some things can be done to reduce exposure, the bombardment is increasing from stronger cell phones, WiFi, radio/TV waives, security system, microwaves, diagnostic equipment and more.

A Major Positive Influence

The medical device that I represent is FDA Class 1 in the US and Class 2 or above equivalent in many other countries, has a significant influence on blood flow in the entire body including the capillaries. One 8 minutes session generally has a residual effect of 12-16 hours and is cumulative which means that the rate of blood circulation restores to that of a healthy 20 year old and note the operative word is healthy. This does not imply a person younger than 20 should not use this. Quite the opposite because from inception we are exposed to negative influences. This system also has a significant positive influence on the circulation of lymph fluid in our lymphatic system which is why this is known for strengthening our immune system.

There is no other device, product, food, exercise that has any meaningful influence on the blood circulation in the capillary system and on the circulation of lymph fluid. So the significance of the this device is huge.

Contact me for full details supported by science.

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor

Toxins Are Bombarding Us – Here Is What You Need To Know

We are bombarded daily with toxins and toxins are associated with every sickness and disease. Common sources of toxins are prescription medication, chemicals in our food, toxins in our water and air, toxins inn materials used to build our homes, work places vehicles.

We have trillions of cells and each one needs to eliminate waste. It is more important than ever for our waste removal system at the cellular level be working properly. Yet that system is generally impaired especially at the capillary level because that is where blood flow becomes impaired.  Science proves the only product that helps improve blood circulation at the capillary level  is the device I represent. 

Is that all you  need to do?  Of course not. All of need to minimize toxin exposure at the source.  However, go to a mall, drive on a street or highway, do all the things most people do and you are exposed. So take a look at the ultimate detox system that has many other benefits. 

For more information Contact 

Steve Pohlit
Independent BEMER Distributor

Conventional Belief About Heart Disease Misses The Mark

This article  published by Dr. Mercola about heart cardio vascular disease is huge and calls our attention to the value of the medical device I represent. The system does two things that result in our bodies advancing our health. Those two things are balancing our electrical system and increasing the blood circulation in our capillaries which is large portion of our circulatory system and not significantly influenced by anything else.

Here is a summary of the article’s main points and I have included the link to the entire article at the end of this summary:

Recent research shows stents do not improve angina, thereby negating the sole remaining medical indication for angioplasty or the placement of a stent to unblock a blocked artery

Earlier research showed angioplasty does not reduce mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction or hospitalization rates for acute coronary syndrome

Coronary artery disease is not a disease per se. It’s a symptom of “a diffuse systemic disease,” caused primarily by poor diet, inactivity, insulin resistance and stress

The largest study done on heart attack incidence revealed only 41 percent of people who have a heart attack actually have a blocked artery. Of those, 50 percent of the blockages occurred after the heart attack. This means at least 80 percent of heart attacks are not associated with blocked arteries at all

Three primary causes of heart attacks are

decreased parasympathetic tone (this is the calming electrical system we have )

followed by sympathetic nervous system activation, (this is the fight or flight electrical system we have)

lack of microcirculation and lactic acid buildup in the heart muscle (personal note – our capillary system is about 74% of our total circulation system The blood flow in that system slows down or becomes impaired because by a number of influences. I detail those in my report that you can get. That slowdown and impairment puts more stress on the heart. The importance of blood flow in the capillaries should now be more clear to you.)


If you are interested in the details of the device I represent and the accessories that come with it,  email  me your email address or text me 727-224-4743

Steve Pohlit
Independent BEMER Distributor

A Collection of Health and Wellness Messages Posted In 2017

There are many more messages in this format that I posted to Facebook However I did not take the time to make them permanent images That changes starting today

For more information and I hope this helps you want more information contact

Steve Pohlit
Independent BEMER Distribuor



There is nothing more important for our cells than oxygen! Without oxygen a cell is damaged in 3 minutes and dies in about 6 minutes.

The medical device I represent significantly helps each of our cells to get the oxygen needed. Oxygen is absolutely essential for a healthy cell and for our energy. There is no other product on the planet that can do this for our capillary system which is 74% of our total circulatory system. This is a scientifically proven statement.

If you want more information as to why over time more and more of our cells become blocked and how this device helps the body restore our cells to a healthy state . Let me know – my contact information follows.

I have a growing library of reference reports and videos on how what this device does helps our bodies address the increasing number of health conditions we face. If you have a specific question or concern contact me and I will point you to the research.

For Your Optimal Health and Prosperity

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Call or Text  727-224-4743

How To Have A Happy Healthy Thanksgiving

I am grateful for the growing number of people that receive and hopefully read my health and wellness emails.  I hope you are here for many more Thanksgiving celebrations  so we can share even more information. The knowledge base in the area of our health is actually expanding quite rapidly. Our opportunity is to pay attention.

My purpose with these messages is to offer choices. Each choice we make has a consequence.  The same is true for health and wellness. The following is a recap of the  possibly the most important information for our health:

The first three things each of  trillions of   cells need in order of importance …
1. Oxygen
2. Water
3. Nutrition
The 4th thing each cell needs is to  eliminate waste. 
Water and Nutrition 
Water from alcohol, most energy drinks, fruit juices even coffee and black tea does not count and in fact those products are detrimental to our health. As I write this I have a glass of purified mineral water that is alkaline and has the BEMER signal. I also have a large plate of mostly organic vegetables. I do not eat and  drink like this 100% of the time – largely impossible but organic live food with a lot of color is my dominant diet. Pure as possible mineral water with the signal from the revolutionary technology I represent and is alkaline is my dominant drink daily.
Oxygen and Waste Elimination 

The device I represent that is by a company producing this for nearly 20 years now  facilitates our body delivering oxygen, water, nutrition to each of the cells and the elimination of waste. It does this by increasing blood circulation.  No other product or device on the planet does what this device does. Over time even blocked cells start returning to a healthy state.  I have the science behind that statement and the ultimate validation which comes from NASA.  Did you know colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States? Our cells are not getting what they need and they are not getting rid of what they don’t need.

Until you get your own FDA Class 1 system at least pay attention to what you are eating and drinking.  When you look at the specialty foods this time of year many are loaded with sugar. There is nothing good about industrialized processed foods which comprise 75% of the American diet.  Again choices have consequences.

Sustainable Exercise
Yes even with this device increasing blood flow,  exercise is important for the lungs, muscles, bones and more. Most people find walking 30 minutes or so  4 or 5 times a week sustainable and relaxing. If you do just this along with paying closer attention to consuming healthier food and good water you will see a difference. Add this amazing technology to you life and those you care  about including your pets and you are likely to experience improved sleep, more energy, improved mental acuity, improved skin tone  and much more. This device is not disease specific. It is systemic. However email  me your questions and I am likely able  to point you to  research that will  help you. 
Stress Management
If there is any time of year that will challenge the effectiveness of our stress management program it is this one. I hope you have developed your own steps for managing stress. For me personal development reading, writing in my journal and deep breathing when I am on my system for 8 minutes twice a day are very helpful.  You can focus on your breath any time and that is one of the best things you can do. 
The Above are my major tips. If you follow those does that mean you will never have a health problem. Of course I cannot know that and there are  no medical claims for diagnosis or cure.  However the one claim that is totally supported is what this does for blood circulation. We can see it real time. For a two minute video showing the blood flow change in the capillary system in just 8 minutes visit the main page of healthrewardsnow.com   No other company can show this at the systemic level. 
May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and weekend.
PS For anyone interested in a very friendly program for a source of funds to help you get this technology take a look.   It is not available in every state but if you live in one that is listed this is something you may could be very good for you :
If you are in one of the following states I have arranged for stated income financing to acquire the medical device i represent In fact there is enough room in this program to acquire as second unit that can be rented or gifted.
Qualifications are 640 or above FICO score, US drivers licence and social security card. 18 or older and stated income that supports your ability to pay back the loan. Stated income means no tax returns or bank statements are required. I can review with you several ideas on how this can be paid back quickly. The term is for 5 years and the interest rate is based on your credit score. There is no prepayment penalty.
Message me for more info- do not tell me in the comment section you are interested.
Here are the states:
N Carolina
S Carolina
N Jersey
W Virginal


Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Email stevepohlit@gmail.com
Direct 727-224-4743

Systemic Health Rejuvenation Process

The following is an illustration using two  of the most widely used over the counter and Rx drug categories.  These are chosen because of the widespread demand for relief.  Our focus on relief for these as well as our general approach to improving our health is not very effective.

It is important to emphasize there is a great deal of respect for the pharmaceutical industry and medical profession as certainly both have a time and place in our society. However the trends tell us we are not succeeding at becoming a healthier nation.

Over $50 Billion Spent Annually On Just Two Medication Categories 

The number one spending category in over the counter products is upper respiratory – cough and cold. It is closely followed by pain relief. The total annual spending of these two categories alone is about $15 billion in 2016 with upper respiratory being more than half that.

When we consider Rx medication the numbers skyrocket. The data points to about $18 billion for Rx pain medication. The research as to spending for Rx upper respiratory medication was not conclusive. If it follows OTC then it is likely to far exceed $18 billion. The estimate then for OTC and Rx medication for pain and upper respiratory alone is $50 billion in 2016 and likely more. The published data shows this spending increasing every year.

The are related costs that are not so easily quantifiable and are very important. These include lost productivity and stressed relationships which often happens when a person does not feel good. Beyond that it is not unusual to discover what seemingly is not serious, develop into something more.

Systemic Health Rejuvenation Process 

Pain, coughs, colds, allergies, sinus issues and for that matter health issues are not a prerequisite. We now have a lot of science based research on cause of discomfort, sickness and disease. With that knowledge, a Systemic Health Rejuvenation Process (SHRP) has been developed that is designed to help the most healthy stay that way and those opposite restore their health.

Of course medical claims cannot be made and there are none However there is a rapidly increasing number of great examples of SHRP working. Remember the data shows the trends in sickness and disease are largely not improving. It is important for all of us to focus on what is working.

SHRP  Steps

Five of the steps  of this process are actually no surprise. However most do not pay attention to it and live by exception instead

  1. Purified mineral water that is alkaline
  2. Organic fruits and vegetables If you use protein then be sure it is  grass fed protein and only wild fish.
  3. High quality nutritional supplement program.
  4. Sustainable exercise – walking 30 minutes most days works for many as an example
  5. Sustainable stress management program – personal preference
  6. The foundation for rejuvenation – the bio electric  magnetic energy regulation device I represent

What is most important to our cells is what they absorb. Each of our trillions of cells need to absorb oxygen, water, nutrition and they need to eliminate waste detox).  That is where Step 6 comes in. The very safe device I represent increases the blood circulation in the entire body including the capillary system. Our capillaries represent 74% of our total circulation and nothing else influences the circulation  in this system that operates by a mechanism separate from our heart.

A Few of The Benefits 

  • More energy
  • Improved sleep including REM sleep essential for brain and organ regeneration
  • Improved cardiovascular function
  • Improved mental acuity
  • and Much more

In related articles on this site I address what causes this circulation to slow down and as it does cells become blocked. That is why Step 6 is so important.  However notice I included 5 other Steps. Together all make up the Systemic Health Rejuvenation Process.

There are several additional recommendations for those with very serious heath conditions. These are discussed on a individualized basis. This is not medical advice but rather information share.

For Detailed Information and Scientific References Contact

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Direct 727-224-4743
Email  stevepohlit@gmail.com  

Premature Horses and Babies

Premature Horses – A Feel Good Development

When a horse is born premature a very important action is for the horse to stand up and nurse. If it doesn’t there is a high risk it won’t survive.

I learned of an situation like that where the horse had been laying down for 8 hours. The owner called a neighbor who brought the human version of the medical devise I represent and placed the mat on top of the newborn. After just an 8 minute session the horse stood up and while a bit wobbly began to nurse and is doing fine now.

This particular barn reported a non survival rate of 8 out of 10 when a horse is born premature. Now the survival rate is closer to 90%. Why is that? While I am waiting on more information to be reported by the veterinarians a major factor is the increase in blood flow and associated increase in oxygen to the cells

There Are Hospitals In Europe That Place the Device In Their Neonatal Cribs

The number one problem premature babies have is underdeveloped lungs. One of the main benefits of the device is increased oxygen to the cells so you can appreciate why this helps. This has not yet been adopted in the US


This is a FDA Class 1 Device meaning it is safe. I have amazing stores of the development of babies that are are using this device. The only person not able to use it is someone who has had an organ transplant and is on Immunosuppressant drugs. This is because the device strengthens the immune system.

There are so many benefits to this technology all resulting from how it increases blood circulation. No medical claims. Coordinate with your doctor. No other product or device comes close. With the extensive scientific research supporting the efficacy of what it does, my view is this is not optional for anyone who values their health and those they care about.

For Detailed Information Contact

Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Direct 727-224-4743
Email stevepohlit@gmail.com