72 Hour Fast – Benefits and Risks

72 hour fast – pros and cons from my dialogue with ChatGBT4 – Why do you think I asked this question? See my comments at the end .

Benefits of a 72-Hour Fast

Cellular Repair and Autophagy

Fasting triggers autophagy, a process where the body removes damaged cells and regenerates healthier ones. This can promote longevity and reduce inflammation.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Fasting allows insulin levels to drop, which helps your body become more sensitive to insulin, potentially reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Boosted Immune System

A prolonged fast may stimulate the production of new immune cells, rejuvenating the immune system.

Mental Clarity and Focus

Ketones produced during fasting can enhance brain function and focus. Some people report improved cognitive abilities during extended fasting.

Weight Loss

A prolonged fast creates a significant caloric deficit and accelerates fat burning, leading to weight loss.

Hormonal Benefits

Fasting can increase human growth hormone (HGH), which supports muscle growth, fat metabolism, and overall cellular repair.

Cardiovascular Health

Fasting can reduce markers of inflammation, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, contributing to heart health.

Reset for Eating Habits

It can help break unhealthy eating patterns or cravings and encourage mindfulness about food choices.

Risks of a 72-Hour Fast

Electrolyte Imbalance

Prolonged fasting can deplete electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, leading to dizziness, fatigue, or irregular heartbeats.
Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)
especially those with diabetes or other metabolic conditions.

Muscle Loss

While the body primarily uses fat for energy, some muscle tissue may also be broken down during prolonged fasting.


Without proper hydration, fasting can lead to dehydration, which exacerbates fatigue, headaches, and dizziness.

Energy Levels

Fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating may occur, particularly for those new to fasting.

Hormonal Disruption

Extended fasting might disrupt hormones, particularly in women, potentially affecting menstrual cycles or thyroid function.

Who Should Avoid a 72-Hour Fast?

Pregnant or breastfeeding women

Individuals with eating disorders

Those with a history of severe hypoglycemia

People taking medications that affect blood sugar or blood pressure
Individuals with severe chronic illnesses (unless supervised by a healthcare provider)

Tips for a Safer 72-Hour Fast

Hydrate Well
Drink plenty of water and consider electrolyte supplements to prevent imbalances.

Ease In and Out
Start with shorter fasts to prepare your body, and break the fast with light, nutrient-dense foods.

Listen to Your Body
Stop fasting if you experience severe dizziness, weakness, or other concerning symptoms.

Consult a Healthcare Professional
Seek guidance, especially if you have existing medical conditions or are on medications.

My Comments

I first learned about the benefits from an article published by Dr. Berg. I am now finishing my third 72 hour fast this year 2024 and my plan is to do one each quarter in 2025.

I only use lemon water during the fast and some coffee in the morning that does not affect me if I do not have it. As for being hungry it varies for me. The first time I was really beginning to think about food the third day. The second time it was the second day and this time it was everyday. However I feel I got used to it.

This time the third time I slept more than normal and actually the sleep was very good.

A couple recommendations: plan your exit before you start. You want to ease your digestive system back to normal. For me I have broth ready, avocado, tuna and will have a small amount of sauerkraut. Tomorrow I will add some citrus, have some eggs and begin with my normal dinner which is generally organic salad and protein. I noticed during the fast that I became hungry the most in the evening when I usually consume the most.

Final recommendation is do not go to the grocery store during your fast and by pass any advertisements on line or otherwise for food. You will just be punishing yourself. This is why I recommend as above plan what you will use when you exit your fast and have those products on hand. I forgot this and needed to go to the store today my third day and it drove me nuts. Took major discipline to get in the store and out without getting more of what was screaming “buy me”.

Recommend doing your own research and if you proceed, just make up you mind you will have the discipline to do this. If I can you can with exception of those who may fall in the category Who Should Avoid a 72-Hour Fast detailed above

What have I noticed this time? I feel very alert and I already know my weight has dropped three pounds. I am within 3 pounds of my ideal weight. So the results are worth it for me.

Med Beds: changed procedure as of Friday 22 Nov. 2024 Added what to expect

Med Beds: changed procedure as of Fri. 22 Nov. 2024 …Sky Prince on Telegram

Med Beds will be available to everyone including the general public, all at the same time, all around the World.

Med Bed treatments are completely free to everyone and done through the Military.

Priority One will be those who are in critical condition and dying, in an extremely urgent condition.

Priority Two are those who have Humanitarian Projects (redeeming Zim Bonds)

Priority Three is the general public.

Med Beds for both humans and animals are presently available and ready to begin healing in every major city in the World

You will be booking your appointments through the Starlink Satellite System, not through email, and on a national or global number that is hooked to a Military secure Website.

We will be able to begin booking appointments at the same time as the RV appointments, both of which are imminent.

There will be a public announcement and demonstration on use of the Med Beds.

They are taking down people charging money for the use of Med Bed techniques because they want everyone to have free access.

The following was published several years ago. Most seem relevant now.

  2. Initial Appointment. Procedures last anywhere from a few minutes to 15 hours depending on what you’re having done. So, when you contact the med bed officials via their email addresses, they will set up the initial consultation with the center near you. 
  3. 2.  Sessions. The majority of issues will be healed with one visit.  More complex cases may require up to 3 sessions.

3.  Preparation for a Session.  Everyone is given a sedative before going in the bed then put to sleep for the duration of the treatment whether it’s a few minutes or 15 hours.  Claustrophobia is not an issue.

4.  Priority. People who have suffered side effects from willingly injecting poison into their bodies from vaccines will be treated after those who did not vaccinate.  Tons of information has been available regarding the potential dangers of vaccines for some time.  Everyone was able to do their homework and learn about the potential harm.  Those who were born with severe illnesses and have diseases with other medical issues will access the Med Beds first. Everyone had a choice of whether to get a vaccine.  The risks were available for everyone to choose for themselves. 


1.  Health Benefits.  Med Beds can correct patient medical issues to restore an individual’s body to optimum state.

2.  Regrowing Organs.  The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.

3.  New Bones and Healing.  For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed by the bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can be carried out.

4.  Surgery. Surgeries in the Med Beds will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher needing surgery can get into a Med Bed and be ready to pitch very soon after the treatment.  In actuality, they will be ready to pitch before they wake up and get out of the Med Bed.

5.  VAX Damage. The beds can reverse the damage caused by the vax, however those who are unvaxxed and have natural injuries, their injuries will be a priority. 

6.  Heart Patients.  Med Beds heal heart issues of all types.

7.  Addictions.  Yes. Addictions can be healed.  But people will still need to work on why they became addicted in the first place.

8.  Dissolving of surgery added pieces.  The beds will dissolve any surgically added pieces and repair the damage, returning the body to the healthy state before the issues began.

9. Chemo.  The Med Bed not only heals the damage done from chemo but returns the body to complete health removing all abnormal growths.

10. Allergies.  Allergies will be eliminated.

11. Dentistry.  All Dental issues will be repaired.  And teeth will regenerate.  Teeth will also restraighten if needed.

12. Overweight.  Yes. You can return to your ideal weight.

13. Vision & Hearing. Yes.  Your vision and hearing can return to its optimum state.Cataracts can be corrected as well.

14. Scars.  Scars will be repaired and will disappear.

15. Schizophrenia. Mental issues can be repaired. 

16. Autistic.  Autistic kids can be helped with healing.

17. Ortho. Ortho issues such as the adjustment of bones and bone correction will be handled as well.

18. Depression.  DEPRESSION will be helped gradually.  Eventually an individual will have to deal with the trauma in a positive way. There will be many spiritually trained counselors both human and non-human to help anyone with depression.

19. Improvements.  Med Beds can make someone more empathetic, intelligent, etc.  Additional languages can be learned/downloaded as well.  It is important however, to have a reason to use the improvements you are requesting for download.  For instance, there wouldn’t be a reason to download all languages on this planet if you don’t plan to use them.  And a big part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge that you need.

20. Perfect Health.  Beds will restore your body to optimum health.

21. Heal the Mind.  When you heal the mind, you heal the body.

22. Vitality. The Med Beds return individuals to optimum health.  If you are 80 years of age for example, you will have the best health for and 80-year-old.  That doesn’t mean you will be as agile and fit as if you were 30. Age regression is possible to extend your life.  Not everyone will be approved for age regression.  It’s not something that is taken lightly.  It will be approved for the right purposes.

23. Issues from Birth.  The beds can correct issues that even showed up at birth.

24. DNA. Med Beds will reverse genetic expressions that are turned off such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and methylation issues with the detox and cleanup of DNA.


1.  Hair.  You can change your hair color and your hair growth.

2.  Eye.  You can change your eye color.  Eyesight and eye issues can be repaired as well.

3.  Height.  Your height can be changed however, only under extreme circumstances.

4.  Gender.  Med Beds can switch gender back to your original gender if desired.

5.  Memories. All memories will return if they were subdued.

6.  Tattoos.  Med Beds can remove tattoos.

7.  Teeth.  Teeth can be straightened and regrown.

8.  Smoking.  Med Beds can undo damage from years of smoking.

9. Knowledge.  Information downloads are possible.  Any information can be downloaded to your brain including other languages.  However, part of the human experience is the acquiring of knowledge.


1. What is Excluded?  Mental and emotional trauma will not be fixed. The technology can suppress the memories but at some point, you will need to deal with the trauma.

2. Ascension.  It seems that the Med Bed only fixes the physical body, but the emotional and mental issues is something that each person will need to work on themselves. Obviously working on those issues is what makes an individual raise their vibration.  So perhaps, having a machine to do that would hinder the ascension-process for the person.  That might be why the Med Bed stays focused on healing the physical body.


1.  MAX Three Times.  At this time, the only thing that the beds can’t do is age regress someone more than three times as the brain cells are not great for more than two regressions. 

2.  Beliefs. Some folks seem to believe that healing must engage our will and all the difficulties that implies.  They may believe that they need to resist miraculous healing.

It’s everyone’s choice to believe things like this and we must respect their beliefs. 

3.  Free Will.  Each person has free will. For those who are negative thinkers, they might leave a Med Bed session and by the next day be as they were prior to the Med Bed due to their thinking. Some people enjoy their problems and pain.

Med Beds and the new earth are not here to change people to how you prefer them to be. This technology is here to assist health and vitality physically. It is each soul’s choice to think, feel and behave a certain way in order for that soul to experience that particular life and it’s against universal law to interfere with that choice of experience.


1.  Age Regression.  The Secret Space Program has not perfected the technology to deal with the effects on the brain from age regression. Age regression is a very different process than healing. The technology works differently in age regression than it does for healing. 

At the present time, if you age regress more than three times then dementia, scar tissue, neurological and motor skills issues become more likely. 

2.  Age Regression Limits. You can be age regressed twice safely. The third time, the brain cells begin to die.


1.  Pets.  The beds work on pets as well. That includes all animals.  Dogs, Cats, Horses and any living creature for that matter.  All animals can benefit from Med Bed technology.


1.  Lifestyle.  People may need some education on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that they are not dependent on technology. It’s like if you have a treatment and then you keep going back and doing all the stuff you’ve been doing, your results may start to fade.  And yes, there will need to be better lifestyle choices in many cases.

2.  Lifespan.  You cannot choose to live forever. You can regress no more than three times after that brain cells begin to die. You would need a soul transfer to continue.

3.  100 Years+.  Yes. You will be able to live more than 100 years and be healthy.  In fact, it will be possible for people to be able to live for more than 200 years.

4.  Frequency.  The frequency and energy patterns access the DNA and the way it organizes itself geometrically. The DNA itself is an antenna, drawing the frequencies/energies from the primordial source (field).  Therefore, each person is specific in his personal expression of the source and even the physical appearance is an expression of its individual aspect.

Being Open to receiving the blessings is VITAL.

Vibe Is An Amazing PEMF Device

I’m excited to introduce the Vibe, a portable PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) device that provides extraordinary health benefits. This device offers 129 frequency protocols designed to support your health and wellness.

Why Frequencies?
Frequencies are a powerful key to improving health and wellness. I use the Vibe daily and am thrilled with the results I’m experiencing. Here are some specific areas where I’ve noticed improvements:

Peace and Calming
Lower Back Pain Relief
Tinnitus Relief
Circulation and Heart Health
Brain Health and Mental Focus
Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Support
And there’s more! This device offers targeted support for a wide range of health needs.

Affordable, Portable, and Easy to Use
I’ve been working with frequency-based devices since 2015, and I can tell you that the Vibe is a fantastic value. Many devices I’ve used in the past cost significantly more. Right now, you can get the Vibe for just $250 with the discount code save150. For households with more than one person, I recommend the two-pack for $499.

Ready to Learn More?
For more details on how the Vibe works and the science behind PEMF, check out the FAQ section at the link below.

Order Here: https://lnkd.in/eYrxZCBK

Be Well,

P.S. The Vibe is about enhancing targeted vibrations to support your wellness journey. For optimal nutritional support, I also recommend reviewing this article: https://healthrewardsnow.com

Suggested Remedies For Headaches

My daughter messaged me saying she had a headache. That is not unusual for her so I asked ChatGBT for natural remedies

Hello! For mild to moderate headaches, you can try a few natural remedies:

  1. Staying hydrated is crucial, as dehydration can often cause headaches.
  2. Applying a cool or warm compress to the forehead or neck can provide relief.
  3. Peppermint or lavender essential oils, either inhaled or diluted and massaged onto the temples, can be soothing.
  4. Caffeine, in small amounts, can relieve headache symptoms, especially in the early stages.

It’s always good to consult with a healthcare professional before trying new remedies, especially with children.

The Miracle Enzyme CoQ10

Please note I have the book and asked ChatGBT to highlight the benefits . I am simply sharing this.

The book The Miracle Enzyme: CoQ10 highlights the numerous health benefits of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant naturally produced in the body and found in some foods. Here’s a summary of its key benefits:

  1. Energy Production: CoQ10 plays a crucial role in producing cellular energy, particularly in the mitochondria, which is essential for sustaining overall vitality and combating fatigue.
  2. Heart Health: CoQ10 supports cardiovascular health by improving blood flow, reducing oxidative stress, and lowering blood pressure, which may benefit individuals with heart disease or those at risk.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: It acts as a powerful antioxidant, helping to neutralize free radicals and protect cells from damage, which contributes to anti-aging and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
  4. Improved Physical Performance: CoQ10 can enhance athletic performance by increasing endurance and reducing exercise-induced fatigue, making it popular among athletes and active individuals.
  5. Brain Health: Due to its antioxidant and energy-boosting properties, CoQ10 may support cognitive health, potentially slowing the progression of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Immune System Support: CoQ10 boosts the immune system by strengthening cellular defenses, aiding in quicker recovery from illnesses and supporting overall immunity.
  7. Skin Health: Its role in cellular energy production and antioxidant effects can contribute to healthier, more resilient skin, reducing signs of aging and enhancing skin tone.

The book emphasizes that while the body produces CoQ10 naturally, levels decline with age, making supplementation beneficial for older adults and those with specific health concerns.

Our Environment Is Toxic – Here Are Several Recommendations On What You Can Do For Better Health

Please Note: I am not a medical professional. The following is based on my own research and personal experience.





This is not a complete list. Most people understand the ones listed. All these and more are in our air, water, and food. One report from an experienced professional at the cancer institute  advises fluoride alone is responsible for more cancer and death and faster than any other chemical.

Some reading this may think that eating organic food and drinking filtered water is enough. While those are positive steps they are not enough to detox and clean the blood.

The following is a partial list of recommended products to take for your health and longevity.

IHerqules – click on the link for an article summarizing incredible benefits including biological age reversal.  

Ivermectin with organic lemon water Drink a gallon per day. This product benefits over 6,000 health and wellness issues. There is great information about this on the Telegram channel Dirt Road Discussions  https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion  I have been buying this at Amazon.  I just found this site that has a better price https://www.petsuppliesdelivered.com/product/88781/Horse-Health-Equine-Ivermectin-Paste-1.87,-Anthelmintic-and-Boticide,-.21-ounces.html?cid=133

Organic White Pine Needle Tea

The following are some products I use in making a healthy shake. I think the actual shake mix used is a personal choice and there are many options.

Organic Turmeric

Organic seeds – Chia,  Flaxseed

Organic Apple Cyder Vinegar

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils – Choose what you like. Good choices are Frankincense and any of the citrus oils, Peppermint, Eucalyptus.  There are many oils to choose from.

I have used Amazon for sourcing most of what is recommended here. I have a financial interest in IHerqules. 

Contact – Please use the comment section to add your recommendations .

Steve Pohlit
Text 727-224-4743

The Incredible Health Benefits of Vitamin B17

The Science and truth of Vitamin B17:

Vitamin B17, also called Amygdalin or laetrile, is a glycoside nutrient linked with cancer prevention in alternative medicine practices, and there are reliable claims that it’s actually cured cancer.

Vitamin B17 is derived from natural food sources and most abundant in seeds of plants of the prunasin family, such as apricots and apples.

Laetrile, the extract form of vitamin B17, is most well known for potentially helping prevent cancer development through the production of hydrogen cyanide.

This beneficial compound is released into the body’s tissues and targets and destroys mutated cells.

Many alternative medicine practitioners use vitamin B17 to increase immunity.

Vitamin B17 is called the anti-cancer vitamin; It kills cancer cells,

strengthens the immune system and prevents cancer cells from developing.



Vitamin B17

Foods that contain Vitamin B17:

* Apricot seeds

* Cassava

* Apple seeds

* Beet leaves

* Cherry seeds

* Alfalfa leaves

* Nectarine seeds

* Eucalyptus leaves

* Blackberries

* Spinach leaves

* Cranberries

* Watercress leaves

* Strawberries

* Bamboo sprouts

* Raspberries

* Fava

* Sweet potato

* Garbanzo

Vitamin B17 works to reduce tumors and prevent the cancer to spread.

It kills cancer cells, strengthens the

immune system and prevents cancer cells from developing.

“It also promotes arrest of cell cycle in G0/G1 phase and decrease number of cells entering S and G2/M phases. Thus, it is proposed to enhance deceleration of cell cycle by blocking cell proliferation and growth.”

Pub Med Reference https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29308747/

For complete health support and contact information visit IHerqules


The following is the most recent information on Med Beds and this article is using the term Life Pods

Here is what is available now: https://medbed.com/

Note For the technology that is supposed to be available soon You Must Visit This Telegram Site For The Updated Information On Booking An Appointment Outside of the US https://t.me/SkyesMedBed In the US the email address is Medbedteam.us@gmail.com Telegram is a free app there also is a desktop version. Email addresses for an appointment outside of the US can be found the Telegram site. SCAM NOTE IF ASKED TO PAY A FEE – DON’T THAT IS A SCAM.

https://t.me/SkyesMedBed You will find information at Skyes Telegram site.

They have put med beds in all the vacant military bases.

All the hospitals that have been closed or sold have been taken over by the White Hats and filled with Med beds.

Med beds will be placed in all areas, nearest towns . A med bed will be accessible to everyone.

In Germany the beds are already in operation, as well as the United States, Canada and United Kingdom and many other places

First of all, the most seriously ill will get a place. It is built up slowly to prevent the rush and to avoid panic, with terminally ill.

Some would like to go and they consciously do not know it.

Note You Must Visit This Telegram Site For The Updated Information On Booking An Appointment Outside of the US https://t.me/SkyesMedBed In the US the email address is Medbedteam.us@gmail.com

From: Skye’s Med Bed Room

Procedures last anywhere from a few minutes
to 15 hours depending on what you are having
done, So, when you contact the med bed
officials via their direct mail address at:
they will set up the initial consultation with the centre near you


  1. Health Benefits. Med Beds can correct patient medical issues to restore an individual’s body to optimum state.
  2. Regrowing Organs. The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.
  3. New Bones and Healing. For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed by the bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can be carried out.
  4. Surgery. Surgeries in the Med Beds will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher needing surgery can get into a Med Bed and be ready to pitch very soon after the treatment. In actuality, they will be ready to pitch before they wake up and get out of the Med Bed.
  5. VAX Damage. The beds can reverse the damage caused by the vax, however those who are unvaxxed and have natural injuries, their injuries will be a priority.
  6. Heart Patients. Med Beds heal heart issues of all types.
  7. Addictions. Yes. Addictions can be healed. But people will still need to work on why they became addicted in the first place.
  8. Dissolving of surgery added pieces. The beds will dissolve any surgically added pieces and repair the damage, returning the body to the healthy state before the issues began.
  9. Chemo. The Med Bed not only heals the damage done from chemo but returns the body to complete health removing all abnormal growths.
  10. Allergies. Allergies will be eliminated.
  11. Dentistry. All Dental issues will be repaired. And teeth will regenerate. Teeth will also restraighten if needed.
  12. Overweight. Yes. You can return to your ideal weight.
  13. Vision & Hearing. Yes. Your vision and hearing can return to its optimum state. Cataracts can be corrected as well.
  14. Scars. Scars will be repaired and will disappear.
  15. Schizophrenia. Mental issues can be repaired.
  16. Autistic. Autistic kids can be helped with healing.
  17. Ortho. Ortho issues such as the adjustment of bones and bone correction will be handled as well.
  18. Depression. DEPRESSION will be helped gradually. Eventually an individual will have to deal with the trauma in a positive way. There will be many spiritually trained counselors both human and non-human to help anyone with depression.
  19. Improvements. Med Beds can make someone more empathetic, intelligent, etc. Additional languages can be learned/downloaded as well. It is important however, to have a reason to use the improvements you are requesting for download. For instance, there wouldn’t be a reason to download all languages on this planet if you don’t plan to use them. And a big part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge that you need.
  20. Perfect Health. Beds will restore your body to optimum health.
  21. Heal the Mind. When you heal the mind, you heal the body.
  22. Vitality. The Med Beds return individuals to optimum health. If you are 80 years of age for example, you will have the best health for and 80-year-old. That doesn’t mean you will be as agile and fit as if you were 30. Age regression is possible to extend your life. Not everyone will be approved for age regression. It’s not something that is taken lightly. It will be approved for the right purposes.
  23. Issues from Birth. The beds can correct issues that even showed up at birth.
  24. DNA. Med Beds will reverse genetic expressions that are turned off such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and methylation issues with the detox and cleanup of DNA.

Please note I copied this information that was posted on Telegram. I do not have any additional information at this time. I have submitted an email to the team requesting an appointment. If you send an email and get an appointment, please email me with that information. In the meantime I highly recommend reading this article https://healthrewardsnow.com/2021/12/ihercules-for-reversing-biological-age-and-age-related-issues-plus-much-more/

Steve Pohlit

The Amazing Benefits of Lemon

Heal Your Body With Lemon | Dr Alan Mandell 

There is incredible benefits from lemon. If case you want to read the transcript, click on three dots to the right of the save icon and you can bring up the transcript.

For me the way to further optimize the benefits of lemon is to be using IHerqules which the perfect food for the body. There are the highest frequency molecules from 44 plants that were identified during over 40 years of research. This is featured article for this site and I encourage you to learn about this fantastic product https://healthrewardsnow.com/2021/12/iherqules-for-reversing-biological-age-and-age-related-issues-plus-much-more/

Be sure to contact me if you are interested in ordering IHerqules and I will help you get the best pricing.

Be well and prosper

Steve Pohlit
Text 727-224-4743

iHerqules for Reversing Biological Age and Age Related Issues plus Much More

There Is Nothing Else Like iHerqules For The Quality of Your Health

Some of the benefits of iHercules include biological age and age related issues reversal, restoring the immune system and cleaning the blood . Here is more information. iHerqules Is Changing Health Care As We Know It Master Molecules Are The Reason iHerqules Reverses Biological Age-

Read the Main Benefits of iHerqules Closely

This science based iHerqules technology/Product replaces our cells with new cells having long telomeres the measurement of biological aging – IHerqules Reverses Biological Aging by 20+ years

Removes toxins, bad chemicals and other harmful materials in our blood that we are bombarded with more than ever now.

Strengthens our immune system which is the best defense against sickness and disease. This is especially important now which is cold and flu season. Now we are threatened with the virus and variants.

Neutralizes inflammation the source of all sickness, disease and aging.

The secret sauce of iHercules are the master molecules. There are 44 of then Here is one example: the Siberian Genselg herb has 1.5 million molecules. The master molecule for this ingredient in iHercules is just one. A tremendous amount of research has gone into isolating the master molecule for each of the 44 ingredients in iHercules. The master molecules go directly to the blood bypassing the digestive system.

This article helps to understand how iHercules helps microcirculation Click Here

There is much more information including the research beginning in the fifties, all the ingredients, the science, testimonials and educational videos.

Contact me at your convenience and I will help you with ordering options.


Steve Pohlit
For ordering iHercules https://nuxtrax.com/stevepohlit

PS You will no longer need supplements. Here is a good video with more information that is 18 minutes https://youtu.be/kmuhhOeoOds

Additional Resources