Important data:
We have about 1 gallon of blood in our body
A healthy body circulates our blood in our entire body about once a minute
The body’s macro circulation system is about 26% of our total circulation system Macro means our heart, arteries and veins. Our heart pumps blood through this 26%
Our capillaries system make up the remaining 74% and there is a separate mechanism that pulses our blood through this system. Capillaries are very small and have no nerve endings which is why the blood flow in that system is hardly influenced by anything except the bio electric magnetic energy regulation medical device I represent. That technology will restore the rate of blood flow of an older person to be close to what it was when the person was young and healthy.
There are no medical claims being made. The technology I represent is scientifically proven to significantly enhance blood circulation. Always coordinate the care of your health with your doctor.
The main causes of blood circulation slowing down are stress, toxins and chemicals, aging d EMF radiation from cell phones, WiFi, smart boxes and more. As the circulation slows blood cells aggregate in several pattern and as that happens the cells cannot get the needed oxygen, water, nutrition needed and cannot eliminate waste. The more this happens the greater the evidence there is of premature aging, sickness and disease.
You should get the picture of the importance of blood circulation and begin to understand that most of what people focus on in terms of exercise, nutritional supplements, prescription medication and more benefit the 26% with very little if any influence on the 74%
There are always exceptions to the general guidelines proven to work which include: healthy food meaning organic fruits, vegetables, grass fed protein, wild fish, chemical free water, sustainable exercise, a program for managing stress. If you do all of those things there still are the silent killers which are EMF radiation and chemicals in air and water that even food that is grown without added toxins and chemicals absorb.
Statistics show the trends in sickness, disease, pharmaceutical usage, health care costs and more. These trends are not positive so there is a strong basis for being concerned. However amazing results are being report by people who have a common sense approach to diet, nutritional supplements, sustainable exercise programs and using the technology I represent 8 minutes twice a day. The one claim that is made is that the blood flow in the entire body including the capillaries is significantly increased with daily use and this is huge.
Contact me for more specific details about this technology that has was founded about 20 years ago. There are thousands of scientific studies in support of what this does for people’s health and it is the only product to also benefit animals and plants.
Steve Pohlit
Independent Distributor
Direct 727-224-4743